Chapter 6-Cap in the kitchen

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Chapter 6-Cap in the kitchen

A/N: this chapter was really fun to write! Hope you enjoy it!

Before we went to the kitchen, I made Cap take me to my room so I could change out of my S.H.I.E.L.D uniform.

After putting on a red t-shirt some jeans, and my toms, I meet Steve outside his room, who was also in a t-shirt and jeans.

"Ready?" I ask.

We walk to the kitchen, which is huge by the way. Steve reaches the door before I do and opens it for me.

"Wow," is all Steve can say when he sees the giant kitchen.

The whole kitchen is stainless steel, and completely spotless. Not one utensil out of place. Super-de-duper clean.

Not only is it clean. It has everything. Three fridges, almost 50 cabinets, two microwaves, an ice cream and fro-yo machine! And obviously much more.

I turn to Steve.

"So, Capsicle. What do you want to make?" I ask.

"Um, what's there to make?" He asks.

"Sandwiches, Mac-N-Cheese, Salad.....Pizza?" I say.

Cap doesn't say anything.

"Cake?" I ask frowning.

Cap's face lit up again.

"Cake it is!" I say, "flavor?"

"Chocolate, ma'am," he says.

I go to the kitchen computer and pull up the recipe for chocolate cake. (Yes this kitchen has a computer.)

"Okay, we need to get out the ingredients," I say pointing to the cabinets.

Cap smiles and opens the one nearest to him.

"So we need, flour, eggs, butter, sugar, salt, cocoa, water, buttermilk, baking soda, and vanilla," I say.

Cap reaches into cabinet and pulls out the flour, salt, and cocoa, while I go to the fridge and grab the eggs, butter, and buttermilk. I run to another cabinet and pull out the baking soda, vanilla, and sugar.

We place the ingredients on the counter and I look back at the computer.

"Now we need to preheat the oven to 450' F." I say.

Steve walks over to the oven and attempts to turn it on. When he doesn't succeed, I walk over and help him by pushing the "on" button and setting the oven to 450' F.

"Thanks, still trying to figure out 20th century contraptions," he mutters.

"No problem, Capsicle. And um it's the 21st century." I reply.

Steve smiles,
"I'll figure it out one day, ma'am," he says looking into my eyes.


"Okay, let's mix up this cake!" I yell breaking the slightly disturbing silence.

Grabbing a bowl, I glance at the recipe.

"1/4 a tsp. Salt, 2 cups of flour, 1 tsp. of baking soda, and 2 cups of sugar," I say.

Steve reached into the drawer labeled "Measurements," and pulled out the 1/4, 1 cup, 1 tsp.

I quickly grab the salt and measure it out while Steve measures out the baking soda.

"Didn't know you could cook," I say.

"My mother taught me," he says.

"So you were the puny nerd in school that no one liked?" I asked.

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