Chapter 4-Reindeer games

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Chapter 4-Reindeer Games

It took me around seven minutes to put on my new S.H.I.E.L.D suit. What? That suit is really tight! Turns out Fury had weapons already picked out for me.

There were three hand guns lying out beside my suit. Also there was two thin knives that fit easily in two of my suit's hidden pockets. Cool right. I ran out of the room and headed for jet 9.

That left me two minutes to reach Steve and Natasha. She did say ten minutes right? I don't know. It took me about five minutes to find jet 9.

"What took you so long? Let's go!" Tasha yelled when I finally made it to the jet.

Steve sat in one of the chairs lined in the jet.

"Alright, Agent Johnson, let's go!" Natasha yelled at our co-pilot.

I silently took the seat next to Steve. He was in full Captain America costume. Looks good (and I'm only saying that because Phil and I basically re-designed his costume. I'm not a creepy stalker person I promise.)

"So....nervous?" I ask.

Steve just laughs,

"A little. Last time I was in Germany, it didn't go so well," he says.

"Ouch. Yeah you kinda turned into a Capsicle," I say laughing.

I think I might of offended him a little because he didn't say anything else the whole way to Germany.

"Hey hate to break up your party back there," Nat says, "but we are here. Loki has civilians trapped out a building. Cap, I'm going to drop you off on the roof... Wait never mind. We're dropping you here!" She yells.

"What?" Steve and I cry at the same time.

"Loki has a weapon thing pointed at a man! Get out there!" Nat says.

Before Nat or myself could say anything, Cap was already jumping out of the jet. I quickly ran to the jet's window. What? I wasn't about to jump out of a jet plane. Cap is nuts! My train of thought was interrupted by Cap jumping in front of the 70 or so looking man, shielding him from a crazy-Loki blast.

"You know the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we didn't quite agree," Steve threatens.

Loki grins,
"The soldier, man out of time."

"I'm not the one who is out of time," Cap says.

"Go Steve! Take that Loki!" I smirk raising my hands in the air.

That received a look from Nat.

"Sorry," I mumble, "he's awesome!"

I kinda missed half of the battle between Loki and Cap because I was so excited. This is only the second mission I have ever been on! When I finally looked back at the fight. Loki had Cap kneeling. Wait? How did all those people run away so fast?

"Not today!" I hear Steve say before kicking Loki.

I'm fangirling at this point. Who wouldn't be? This is CAPTAIN AMERICA'S FIRST FIGHT IN 70 YEARS PEOPLE! Once again I lost focus on the fight. That is until Nat stopped me.

"Christy! You got to help Rogers!" She yells, "get out there...." She is interrupted again.

Our P/A system was being over ridden? How? That's when a punk rock song blasts into the jet.

"Stark!" Nat mutters.

Stark! Tony Stark! He came! I guess my persuading skills pay off after all. A red metal suit flys past the jet. Iron Man. Tony's own invention. I've never seen it in real life. If our lives were not in danger right now, I would pass out because of excitement. Cap and Iron Man! Calm down, Christy!

Iron man/ Tony uses his arc reactor guns to bring Loki down.

"Make your move reindeer games," Tony says.

I can't help but laugh. Reindeer games? I wish I had my phone right now.

Loki holds up his hands and changes clothes. Just like that! How does he do that? I give up.

"Mr.Stark," says Steve.

"Captain," says Tony.

I smirk,

"Hey guys, hate to break up this moment but can we get Mr.Reindeer Games in this jet? I would like to go home now," I say proudly into the key's microphone.

Steve turns and gives me a thumbs up. Tony grabs Loki and pulls him towards the jet.

This is going to be fun.


A/N :What did you guys think? Sorry about the say/said stuff. I think I figured it out. This was a really fun chapter to right. Christy is a total fangirl. Haha! Kinda like me:) just kidding.

Please leave comments!! Next update Tuesday!


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