Chapter 5-Another Asgardian?

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Chapter 5-Another Asgardian?

Loki didn't even put up a fight when we loaded him into the jet. It was creepy yet helpful. Stark strapped him into a ship while Steve held him down. I almost laughed because it resembled two parents buckling their child in a car. When they were finally done, Natasha and our co-pilot took off. Steve and Tony were in a very detailed discussion, and Nat was busy flying the plane so I decided to talk to the only person who wasn't doing something important, (not that having a detailed conversation about food counts as important,) but I really didn't want to talk about pigs. Yeah typical Tony Stark.

"I'm going to talk to Loki," I say, bored out of my mind.

"Why would you do that?" Tony asks.

"Because I for one am tired of anything that has to do with a pig," I laugh.

Steve obviously was not comfortable with me leaving him with Tony, so I patted him on the arm,

"You'll be alright. You just battled a crazy nut-case dude. I think you will be okay with Tony, Steve."

Steve smiles.

"Thanks," he says drawing it out.

I turned and walked to the seat across from Loki.

"So, you have come to me?" Loki says.

"Well it was either you or them," I joke.

He laughs.

"Human's are strange to me."

"Hey! Just some," I say pointing at Tony.

"Oh yes, the man of iron. Quite strange. And what of the..."

"Capsicle?" I answer for him.

"Yes, the Capsicle," he says.

"Who are you?" I ask.

He smiles a wicked grin,

"You don't know?"

"If I knew would I be asking you?"

"I am Loki of Asgard. And I am burdened with a glorious purpose," he says.


"Well Loki of Asgard. I'm Christy of New York City. And I think the only thing you are burdened with is your outfit. Which by the way, is totes cool," I say, which I think creeped him out.

Score Christy!

"What is this 'totes cool' you speak of?" Loki asks.

I might as well have a little fun with this.

"It is short for creepy or wicked. You know you are totes cool, Loki," I say.

Tony died laughing at this.
Loki raised an eyebrow.

"Probably something Capsicle said," I smile.

"Capsicle? I like that name!" Tony said laughing harder.

"Hey, T-man! This is an A B conversation and you should C your way out of it!" I yell.

"T-man?" Tony say.

"Um yeah! I like it! Don't you, Capsicle?" I asked Steve who just stared out the window.

"Cap?" I ask again.

"There is a storm outside," he murmured.

"Where is this coming from?" Nat asked Cap.

I looked at Loki whose smiling face had turned into a deep frown.

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