Chapter 12

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Mia's POV
I woke up in my dad's arms, I snuggled into him more, he laughed. I groaned and scooted a bit away, he said" sorry, Mia." I groaned and snuggled into him, he said" sleepy, baby?" I nodded, he said" you know you could come back with me?" I looked at him, mumbling" but what about schell?" He said" no cussing, and school, we'll go back to online school." I wanted to smile but I couldn't bring myself to, I gave him a thumbs up, he said" what's wrong? Why aren't you happy?" I mumbled" nothing, dad, I'm fine." He said" okay, hey, go pack, we're leaving tonight." I nodded and got up, wobbling a little, my dad said" baby, you okay?" I nodded and walked to my room, I grabbed my suitcase and started randomly packing clothes, shoes and jewelry. I was shaking, I didn't even know why, arms wrapped around me, and pulled me back into my dad's chest, he said" why are you shaking?" I said" I don't know." He held me tighter, I turned around, started silently crying into his chest, he mumbled" I love you so much, baby." He kissed my head and lifted me and sat me on the bed. He said" you rest, my dear. I'll pack your clothes." I said" no, I can pack my own clothes." He said" I will force sleeping pills Down your throat." I huffed and laid down, he said" you can stay awake and talk to me if you want. But remember we're going on a plane." I whined, he said" hey, I'll be right next to you the whole time, holding your hand." I nodded, he continued packing aka throwing clothes into my suitcase, yeah, I've always helped in pack or any of the boys cause even if he has a daughter, he can't fold clothes! My dad said" so you're gonna be knocked out on the plane, and be a grumpy teenage girl the rest of the time, I might just leave you at Alex's and Jack's bus." I laughed, he smiled, he said" nah, I couldn't sleep without knowing my daughter was safe in my arms." I smiled and crawled to the end of the bed, my arms wrapped around his neck, he laughed. He said" what are you doing?" I said" love you, dad." He said" I love me too." I slapped his chest, he laughed saying" I love you too, baby girl." I let go of him and watched him pack my clothes.

We're getting ready to leave, I rushing to get clothes on. I simply slipped on some jeans and pulled on one of my dad's sweatshirts, my dad ran into the room with his eyes covered, I said" I'm dressed." He uncovered his eyes, he said" let's go, baby!" I nodded, he grabbed my suitcase as I pulled my bag on. We ran out.
We're on the plane, my dad said" sleeping pills time?" I nodded very quickly, he handed me 3 sleeping pills and a water, I quickly took them, I held my dad's hand and laid my head on his shoulder. I fell asleep.

I'm woken up when I felt I was being picked up, I opened my eyes a little to see my dad carrying me. He said" hey, sleepy head." I glared at him, he said" don't kill me in my sleep?" I stayed silent and laid my head on his chest, he said" the guys are picking us up." I nodded tiredly, he chuckled, I zoned out till I heard the familiar voices of Vic, Tony and Mike. Mike said" ohh, she's grumpy." My dad put me down, I whined, he said" as much as I love you, my arms are killing me cause I'm holding my little baby, both our bags and your suitcase." I smiled, he said" get someone else to carry you." I looked at Tony with my puppy eyes, he said" no! The monster eyes!" He shielded his eyes, I smiled and walked towards him pulling at his arms, whining. He finally gave in, saying" fine, little monster!" He lifted me into his arms, I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. Mike said" she's such an adorable little baby when she's grumpy." Vic said" Mike, be careful, remember she's staying in the same room as you." Mike said" I love you so, Mia Monster." I giggled, I closed my eyes and drifted off.
Jaime's POV
After Mike said" I love you so, Mia Monster." Mia giggled, after a few seconds of quietness from her, we knew she had fallen back to sleep. We got into the car, and the driver took us back to where our bus was. We got out and I carried Mia onto the bus, I laid her carefully on the couch. Vic looked at me, I already knew I was going to have to tell them, we walked into the bunks, I said" okay, she's fine, I guess, I think. I really don't know. But she's happy, and I'm keeping it that way, she's laughing and smiling and that's all that matters right now." They all nodded, I heard Mia say" dad?" I walked back into the lounge, and sat next to her, she cuddled into me, she mumbled" they itch." I kissed her head, I said" just don't scratch them, okay?" She nodded, the guys walked back in, Mia cuddled into me, her arms wrapped around my stomach and chest, blocking me from the guys. She always gets like this when she's grumpy and tired, she'll cling to one person as if they're her life support. It's usually me, but on occasion it's been one of the guys, and at one time it was Jack from ATL. I rubbed her back, I looked at the guys, I mouthed" lullaby?" They all nodded, while Mia's face was dug into my chest, Tony grabbed an acoustic guitar and started strumming, Mike tapped the wood on the wall. Vic sang" I kissed the scars on her skin, " I still think you're beautiful, I never wanna loose my best friend" I screamed out" god you vulture, bring her back or take me with her!" Tear it down break the barricade, I wanna see what sounds it makes.--" he stopped as I gave him a thumbs up, telling him she was asleep. He smiled and they stopped, I picked her up and carried her to my bunk, I slid in then pulled her to me, she turned around in her sleep, cuddling next to me. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

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