Chapter 4

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Jaime's POV
We got to Vic's, where we'd be getting on the bus. Mike stayed the night there, Tony and I got out with Mia walking beside us. She walked to Vic's door, and pulled the door open, she ran in. Mike said" Jaime! We found your kid!" I said" okay." Tony and I walked in and saw Mia cuddled up next to Mike, I said" Where's Vic?" Mike said" finishing up packing." Vic ran down, he said" okay, I'm done." Soon our bus pulled up, Mike said" let's go!" Mia laughed, Mike lifted her up and ran out. We walked out and followed Mike and Mia onto the bus. Thing is, Mia's been on a bus before but she slept with me because she couldn't sleep on her own. This is the first time she'll be able to sleep in a bunk. I said" hey, Mia, it's your first tour you can sleep in your own bunk." She frowned and walked away from me, Tony said" I'll go see what's wrong." He followed my little girl into the back lounge.

Tony's POV
I walked into the back lounge and saw Mia staring at pictures in a picture album. I said" hey, little Mia." She looked at me and smiled, I said" why'd you frown when your dad said you can sleep in your own bunk this tour?" She said" he doesn't want me." I said" oh, sweetie." I bent down so I could be eye-level with her, I said" your dad wants you, he loves you, so so much. But you're growing up, you need to learn how to sleep in your own bunk just like you learned how to sleep in your own bed." She said" but it's not same. It's scary." I said" why's it scary?" She said" no where to go." I said" what's that mean?" She said" wall." She's so young and she's claustrophobic? I said" hey, it's okay. I'll be right back." She nodded and continued looking at the pictures. I walked out and to Jaime, he said" what's wrong with my daughter?" I said" Jaime, it looks likes she claustrophobic." He said" but she's 5, she doesn't even know what that it." I said" maybe you should take her to a doctor, when we get to our stop." He said" yeah, I will." He gulped, I walked back to the back lounge, Mia was curled up, and had fallen asleep. I lifted her up and carried her to Jaime, he said" I feel bad now." I said" it's not your fault, Jaime." He took her into his arms and carried her to the couch, laying down behind her, I sat opposite, he said" I can't wait till she's a teen." I looked at him, like he was crazy, I said" why?" He said" because growing up being raised by me, and being around you guys, she's going to be an awesome teen. And she won't be allowed to date till she's 26." I laughed saying" dude. She'll date 10 years early." He said" I know, but as long as it's not a bad kid, I won't mind much." I said" what if you catch them kissing?" He said" I'll send her to you guys, while I kill the boy." I said" harsh, dude." He said" not harsh, being a father to a teenage daughter." I shook my head, soon Mia woke up and was energetic as ever. She jumped from Jaime's arms and tackled me onto the couch, Jaime was laughing. She smiled and cuddled into my stomach, I said" hey, Mia." She said" hi, Turtle." She ran into the bunks to annoy the Fuentes' brothers. She screamed" Giraffe!" Mike said" yes?" She said" hi!" He laughed, he said" Tony! Did you set this up?!" I said" no!" Mia giggled, she screamed" Vic!" He didn't reply, she screamed" Oldie!" He said" I'm not that old, little monster." She laughed loudly, Jaime said" oh my god, that sounds like my laugh, but more girly." Mia ran back in, she said" being chased by oldie!" She ran behind Jaime, Vic came in and looked around, he said" oh, Mia Monster, where'd you go?" Jaime jumped and moved, Vic started tickling Mia, Mia was laughing like crazy, after a few minutes, Vic stopped, Mia held onto his arms. Vic groaned and sat down, Mia sat on his lap leaning back. I said" Mia, what do you want to eat this tour?" She said" pizza!" We all laughed, her favorite food by far was pizza, only cheese. Jaime said" then that's what the little monster shall get." She giggled and made a roar sound, Mike joined us in the lounge. Mia tackled him or tried to, she laughing looking up at him, he sat on the couch next to me, lifting Mia between us.

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