Chapter 10

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Mia's POV
After 20 minutes, the door opened and I heard Josh say" Mia, it's not safe to leave the door unlocked." He walked over to me, he said" what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He sat next to me, and wrapped an arm around, I said" a girl at s-school, I didn't even do anything wrong, I-I..." he hugged me, he said" shh, shh." My eyes drifted shut, but opened, he said" wanna FaceTime your dad?" I nodded, he said" will you be okay, alone?" I said" yeah, I'll be fine." He nodded and rubbed my head before leaving. I went to FaceTime
And called my dad.
He answered, his face popped up on my phone, he said" hey, baby, you okay?" I said" dad, a girl at school pushed me down and pushed me into a locker, saying mean things." Dad said" like what?" I said" that I was depressed and wanted to die, that's why I look emo. And I'm weak." He said" baby, I'm so sorry. I really want to be there now. I love you so so much, remember that okay?" I said" okay, dad." He made a kissy face, I laughed, he said" here's Tony!" Tony grabbed the phone and said" ahh! Mia Monster! I've missed you so much!" I laughed, I said" I miss you too, Turtle!" Mike grabbed the phone, he said" Oh!! Mia!" I laughed, I knew what they were doing they were trying to make me happy. He said" hey, your dad said he's not getting you any souvenirs." I said" no! I need more teddy bears!" Mike laughed, he said" no, not happening, your room is too girly." I said" no, it's not! I don't wanna talk to you! Oh Victor!" Vic grabbed the phone, he looked at me with his eyes squinted, I said" hey!" He said" Victor?" I said" oh... hi, Vic!" He said" hi, Mia." I laughed, dad took the phone back, he said" I'll find you adorable things for your room, okay?" I smiled, he said" you don't have to go back to school." I said" no, I'm going." He said" are you sure?" I nodded, he said" okay, I'll text you when I wake up, okay?" I said" okay, dad." He said" I miss you!" I said" Hello there,
The angel from my nightmare,
The shadow in the background of the morgue.
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley.
We can live like Jack and Sally
If we want.
Where you can always find me
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas.
And in the night we'll wish this never ends,
We'll wish this never ends."
My dad gave me a fake annoyed look, he said" had to?" I said" you're the one who said it." He laughed, he said" okay, okay, all jokes aside, I do miss my adorable little girl." I said" I miss my weird dad." He laughed, I laughed at his laugh. He said" bye!" I said" bye!" He hung up, I put down my phone and cuddled into a blanket.

It's the next day, I got up, and lazily got into one of my dad's sweatshirts, I threw on some random skinny jeans I found in the guest room, which since they nearly fit me, probably Vic's or Tony's. I slipped on my vans and then I ran out the door, I sprinted down to Tony's apartment, and got in. I said" okay, Tony, where is your penny boards?" I searched around and finally found a bright green one under the couch, I laughed and grabbed it. I ran out and then got outside, I started skating.

Im at school, the girl from yesterday walked up to me. She said" you actually survived the night?!" I breathed in through my nose, she pushed me, I flinched, she said" oh, now you're all tough?" She punched my shoulder, I yelped, she walked away.

Its the end of the day, I'm skating down the road, All day everyone teased me. And it really hurt, really bad. I got home, ignoring the calls from my dad and the guys. From anyone. I crashed onto my bed and cried, I punched my bed, crying. My mind filled with depressing things, then this voice in my head,
You know they are right, you're weak. You can't do anything with out your father. You know he doesn't love you, he probably didn't even want you! He wasn't there when you were born, he wasn't there to save you from your mother.

I shook my head, and walked to the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror. All the words came back, I covered my ears, and then searched through the cabinets to find a razor blade. I looked at the blade it my hand, I whimpered, and held it between my fingers before slicing my arm, I yelped in pain, then I did it again, and again, again. I stopped as I saw my arm bleed, I put the razor blade down and looked at myself,
Your father is going to hate you, you know how much he hates self harm and depression.

I cried and grabbed my phone face timing Vic. His face popped on the screen with a smile, but fell as he saw my face. He said" what happened?" I said" a-are you a-alone?" He said" yeah, the guys went out to get some food." I said" I didn't mean to, I was scared and hurt, I-I'm sorry, I know you'll all hate me!" He said" hey, calm down, Mia, what happened?" I held up my arm in view, he said" Mia, sweetie.." I said" I knew it, I knew you'd hate me." He said" I don't hate you, but.. why?" I said" all day, I was teased and pushed, I can't.. I can't.. Vic, I don't like that! When I was a baby, I don't even know how I remember but my mother, she.. she would hit me." Vic's face showed pure shock.

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