| letter thirty three january 1 2006 |

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"The secret source of humor is not joy but sorrow; there is no such thing as humor in Heaven." 

                   ~mark twain 

Dear Angel, 

It is funny how things work out sometimes. 

When I was a child, I once saw a baby bird fall out of the sky. I took it home, hoping that we could fix it, but when I got there, my stepfather crushed it under his boot. I didn't speak to him for a week. 

And when I did, he told me, "It would just have prolonged his suffering; it's better this way." I didn't talk to him for another week. It taught me a lesson, Angel.

What if we're all just birds, and someday we'll fall out of the sky, and we'll be crushed under a boot. 

What if, our lives are just miniscule specks of light, and nothing will ever be the same. 

Just some food for thought, Angel. 

As always, 



idk what. 

i have writers block omf. 

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