| letter eleven november 24 1999 | *

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"Find though she be but little, she is fierce."

~william shakespear

Dear Angel,

Gage is in jail. I don't have the money to bail him out, so he'll have to be in there for a couple months. Honestly, I don't know whether to be sad or relieved. Lately, I've been resorting to wearing make up and long sleeves. So, we'll definitely be seeing more of each other.

Oh, and happy Thanksgiving, Angel! I don't have much to be thankful for, but since I was a child, my mother drilled me to be thankful for what I have. Every year, I place cranberry and pumpkin candles around my apartment. It gives my place a more Thanksgiving-ey feel. There's a knocking at the door, Angel.

I can hear your voice. Your beautiful, welcoming voice.

Thank you for not forgetting me, Angel.

As always,


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