| letter twenty one november 4 2000 |

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"Often in life, we forget the things we should remember and remember the things we should forget."


Dear Angel,

It's been four months since you slept with that whore. I've felt the pain and betrayal accutely evey day.

The first month you called every hour, until, slowly, your calls dwindled down to none. I don't blame you, Angel. I would stop calling me too. I'm surprised you lasted as long as you did.

And so today, I finally broke down, in a drunken stupor, to write you again. Slowly I have fallen into a pit of depression, life meaningless. And yet, still, I am much too cowardly to end it. I had to pull my journal and pencils out of the depths of my drawer where I hid them.

Also, I stopped taking my medicine, not being able to cope. I know that I have more breakdowns, but it reminded me too much of you.

And I hate that.

As always,


whoop whoop 1k votes. and i loved the reaction last chapter. keep it up!

toodles! xx

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