Pretty Petty Little Belle

208 26 14

Dominic Carter

"It was pretty obvious. Out of everyone, I'd least expect them two to be together." 

"I said the same thing. He could've at least upgraded." Naomi sat, not taking her eyes off her phone.

"That's besides the point Na, that's my girl. He knew that shit."

She looked at me and laughed. "Your girl? Since when? I'm pretty sure they've been messing around for a while."

It did all make sense. Jacob coming at me that night after the party.. then, Zoey turning me down. Piece by piece, it was all making sense.

"Zoey, she was my girl before I messed with Jacob. He knew that shit."

"Y'all were friends. She made that hella clear Dominic." She rolled her eyes.
"Look, I didn't come here to see who's girl she was and wasn't. I don't even know why y'all are going through it over her but, I have a little petty plan."

"We should date." She's smirked at me.

Naomi was fine as hell, I'm not even gonna lie on her. She was just too out there for me and she was insecure. Yeah, no.

I guess me not answering made her feel some type of way.

She smacked her lips. "Not for real stupid. We just need to put on a show for them at school. I know Jay would get pissed off if I was messing with one of his little friends and ole' girl should feel the same way, if, you know, she saw you as her so called man at a point in time. "

It wasn't a bad plan. I really wasn't trying to beat around the bush though. I just wanted to have a one on one with Jacob and call it a day. Plus, I felt to old for the games but when it comes to Naomi, you never know the out come.

"Maybe, maybe I'm feeling your idea. Im not really trying to hurt Zoey's feelings though."

Which was true. I didn't want her more upset with me than she already was. that would defeat my purpose.

"Well," Naomi raised her eyebrows. "She obviously didn't give a fuck about how you felt because she's with one of your lil besties right now. So uh, why the hell do you?"

Yeah, she had a point..

"Okay, how about we try it. First day, if it's not going the way you feel it should, then we'll stop. Easy right?"

I nodded. "Alright cool." I sat down on the couch.

"You wouldn't believe who just texted me." Her eyes got really big. She didn't take her eyes off her phone.

"Who? Jacob?" I asked, thinking we might've spoke him up.

She looked at me and scrunched her face up. "The world doesn't revolve around him." After rolling her eyes, she told me."Lexi did."

"Lexi? Lexington?" I asked confused.

She nodded.

That's super weird. Lexi and Naomi used to be the best of friends but after the incident between Lexi and Jacob, she sorta disappeared on all of us except Marcus.

"What did she say?"

"She heard that I wanted to talk to her. Then, she asked if I wanted to meet up." she scrunched her face up.

As weird as that was, I encouraged her to go. It could've been something set up by Jacob, but I doubted it was. I didn't think that Lexi would just reach out to Naomi especially, if it was for Jacob. I knew she hated him with passion and Marcus
probably wouldn't even allow her to involve herself with him.

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