The Secret She Kept

341 47 38

Aviana Clark

"Avi, I freaking love the way you serve." One of my team members said.

We'd just won our volleyball game for the night, as usual. Our team was pretty good, but I wasn't gonna flex like we're the best ever.

I noticed Z wasn't all game as she had usually been. She had been hella short with me. I don't know if I did some or what.. she's been super distant.

I watched her head back into the locker room as the gym was clearing out. I wanted to talk to her, so of course I followed. Before I could make it all the way, I felt a tap on the shoulder. Once I turned around, I saw Naomi. I tried my hardest not to crack at her. Its been two days since the fight between her and Z, but her face was beat.

"What do you want? I can't be talking to you when my best friend beat cha' ass."  I mentally laughed. I crack myself up.

She rolled her eyes. "You call that your best friend?"

"Damn right I do, and I'll get THAT to fuck you up again if you disrespect her like that.. Now what do you want?" This girl was irking me and I wasn't even the one she had a problem with.

"Uh girl, you might wanna check who you call your best friend. I know my best friend wouldn't keep secrets from me."

"Girl," I laughed. " You don't know her. You can get out my face with all of that." I started walking back toward the locker room.

"Oh yeah? Well I know  things about her that you don't. Just ask her why'd we fight, better yet ask her why'd she give me this." I turned around to see what she was talking about. She handed me some crumbled up piece of ripped paper. Once i got it straighten out, I read it.

"& its his. 2 whole months"

It was ripped, I couldn't tell if that was the end of it or not. I thought it was funny actually, considering that this wasn't even Zoey's hand writing. Although I did want to know what the fight was about, I knew this wasn't the reason.

"Yea okay. Why would she give this to you though?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Ask her." I didn't even respond. This girl was on something and it had to be strong.

By this time, the gym was all cleared out. Before I could even make it into the locker room, Z was walking out.

"Hey, good game right?" She smiled.
"As always."
She stood there for a while. "Well Imma head home, text me." She started walking off but I stopped her.

"Z, you've been walking around all mopey, what's up?" She sighed.

"Nothing. I've just been so tired lately." She gave me that same weakly smile.

I knew something was up with her. She wasn't in the game like she usually was, she wasn't her usual goofy self, and she had been taking to me like I was a complete stranger.

"So hey," She stopped walking and turned, facing me. "How about we go to my place? Maybe, chill out then find something to do like we always do."

She look around skeptically. "Uhm, yeah sure. Just let me go home and get clothes."

"You know you literally have a room inside my room. You have like a drawer full of clothes at my house, tooth brush and everything.. but you knew that."

She remained quiet.

I just honestly wanted to know what was up with my best friend.

"Zoey.. you need to talk to me. I tell you everything. It's your turn."

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