Nothing New

834 94 86

Zoey Kingsley

I closed my locker after taking out the things I needed for my first period. I ambled steadily down the hall, trying to spare some time. Normally, I would've met Aviana in the hall before going to class, but it seemed like today wouldn't be the same.

I walked into class, greeted by my journalism teacher, Ms.Okesli, before collapsing into my seat.

I was surprised I hadn't ran into Jacob and his squad of idiots; I usually did on mornings like this. I wasn't complaining though. It wasn't like I was yearning to see them anyway.

The bell rung, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Your first story is due Friday as you all know. I'm very excited to hear them all. I've decided to give you the class period to work on it. Though I did have something different planned, I really want everyone to get a good grade on this. So without further ado, you may finish up," Ms. Okesli told the class.

I hadn't even started on my story. It was due in 3 days and I had no idea where even to begin. I mean, I had to write about the injured football quarterback. How enthralling, I thought bitterly.
Why couldn't I write about last week's volleyball game? I still hadn't interviewed Brian about his sprained ankle, but I didn't see why I had to? It was pretty obvious how he gained the injury—what more was there so say? There's only so many words you can write about a high school teenager twisting his foot on the field...

The story isn't going to write itself, I mentally lectured myself. I suppose I could go and interview Brian now...

I raised my hand. "Excuse me, Ms. O?"

She fixed her glasses on her face and walked over to my desk. "Yes Zoey?"

"Do you think Brain's teacher would let him out of class so I could ask a few questions?"

She frowned slightly. "You should've handled that earlier, but I suppose I can call and let you know." She trotted off to the phone, her heels tapping irritatingly on the laminate floor.

I rolled my eyes. She really expected me to have actually already worked on this?

Once Ms.Okesli gestured me to come to her desk, I knew I was leaving, and grabbed my things. She handed me a pass to library, which I guess I was meeting Brian in, and I ambled out of her class.

I pulled out my phone and texted Aviana to meet me in the library. Before I even made it there, however, she called to tell me she didn't come to school today.


I saw Brian perched at the end of the table, with his crutches lying in the seat next to him. I sat down to the right of him and watched him smile.

"I appreciate you getting me out of that hell hole," he grinned, nudging my arm.

"Anytime," I joked, laughing awkwardly. "But before you doze off, I have to ask you a couple of questions for the school paper."

He nodded, as if to say go on. I grabbed my notebook and turned to a fresh page. "First question, can you explain to me what happen in the play, that lead to your ankle injury?" I asked.

He sat back in his chair. "Man, it all happened so fast..."


"And done." I closed my notebook. We'd gotten through 15 questions in 35 minutes, and my hand was aching. He was surely detailed with every single question I asked.

Since we had 30 minutes left before we switched classes, I decided to roam the halls. It was either go to class or risk getting in trouble. It was worth the risk.

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