Beautiful Bliss

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Zoey Kingsley

I was sitting in my room with Aviana. She came over after the volleyball game. After showering and eating, we found ourselves having a debate about the bad guy on the show Empire.

"Just because she went to jail doesn't automatically make her the bad guy. She went to jail for him!" I said trying to prove a point.

"All she's doing is turning his sons against him. I have Luscious's side no matter what." She crossed her arms.

I laughed. "Whatever Avianna. At the end of the day he's a liar and manipulator."

My phone dinged indicating that I had a text message. I pressed the home button to see who it was from. It was from Jacob.

Wyd tonight?

I smiled. For some reason I always did when I received a text from him.

"What you smiling at?" Avi hopped on my bed.
"Nothing. What you wanna do tonight?" I asked not looking her way.

Avi didn't know about us. Even though she was my best friend, I didn't feel comfortable telling her about our situation. I had a feeling she would look at me different. I didn't need anyone judging me. It was already so complicated.

"Hm, we should go to that party Dominic is having." She suggested.

I rolled my eyes. "You know I don't mess with him like that. Besides, who wants to go to the party of one of the schools biggest assholes?"

"Well the team is going.."
Then I thought about it. I sighed. "Ugh, fine." She did a little dance.
I texted Jacob back telling him that I was with Avi and she wanted to go to some party at Dominic's. He replied letting me know that he'd be out there.

"I'm invading your closet for the night." Avianna cheesed. I laughed and shook my head. It's not like she hasn't done it before.

"I guess I'll go ahead and pick my outfit out so you won't get it before I do." I joked.

I went into my closet. Decisions, decisions, decisions... I could wear a dress, maybe a skirt, I could just rock some jeans. I decided to just pick 3 outfits and let Avi pick  for me.

"Avi should I wear this dress, this skirt, or-"
"No dress. It's a house party Zoey, is the skirt short or long? Tight or loose?" She asked without even looking.

"Uhm, it's above the knee. It's flowy." I answered.
"Grab a pair of jeans and I'll figure out the rest." I laughed at myself. She was such a fashion police. I grabbed a pair, like she said, and sat on the bed.

She went into my closet. A few minutes later she came out. "Where's your Tommy Hilfiger bandeau?" She asked.

I shook My head. "I am not wearing that. You want me to go to this party half naked?"

She smacked her lips. "Girl, I know what I'm doing. Now, where is it?" I pointed to the drawer.

After searching through my drawer, she pulled it out. She threw it on the bed, along with my white light weight jacket. "And wear your superstars. I'm pretty sure you can accessorize yourself.

"Alright, can I have a back up shirt?" I joked. She looked at me and completely ignored me.
"Alright when they address my attire as hoeish I'll introduce them to you." I yelled walking into the bathroom.
"When you get complimented make sure you do the same." She said full of sarcasm.

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