Waning Moon-Chapter 11

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Ok. Here it is. CHapter 11! Hope you enjoy!

I stared out of the window in my room, the rain pattering down endlessly in the outside world. I could still hear Will howling in his cell, hundreds of feet below me. I shivered and took a sip of the mug of hot chocolate Simone had brought me earlier. All the wolves were trying to get me to be comfortable, to help intergrate me back into their lives. I knew why. The way they saw it, I was the key to get back their golden boy. I wasn't going ot fight it. I would do anything to get Will back.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart," Simone asked carefully as she peeked her head in.

"Better, thank you," I mumbled. She beamed and walked in with a plate of cinnamon rolls, and a grin tugged at the corners of my lips.

"I thought you'd enjoy something to eat. I'm sorry I couldn't bring you anything while you were down there, but we had to make Will think you were suffering because of him. Looks like it worked,"

I paled as I realized that she didn't know what had happened down there. How could she? I hadn't told the wolves about Nate, and Will surely hadn't since he wasn't even human.

"Simone, could you bring Nate here, please?"

Simone seemed bewildered by my request but nodded and tottered out of the room. As soon as she was gone I felt my stomach clench and thought I was going to be sick. What was I doing? Was I about to leave myself alone with the man who had threatened to rape me, and then feed me to a manic wolf? I had to be going crazy...but no. If Nate had wanted to, he could have done anything he wanted with me. Besides, what he had done had pulled out a part of Will we had all thought was gone. If anything, I had to thank him, no matter how unorthodox his methods were.

 A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door and I called for whoever it was to come in.

Nate sauntered inside, looking for all the world like he was proud of what he'd done. A twitch of anger went through me but I did my best to ignore it. Surprisingly, I didn't feel any fear from confronting my would be rapist.

"You called for me," he asked cheekily.

"Yes, I did. To say thank you" I said monotonously. He obviously wasn't expecting this and took a double take. I giggled at the expression on his face, and then at the ridiculousness of the situation. 

 "Are you by any chance a masochist. Because if you, thats kinky," he said, regaining his composure and giving me a flirty wink. I scoffed at him and gave him a leveling stare before standing up to look a little less frail.

"I am not a masochist, I am simply aknowledging your good deed. You didn't do that to hurt me, you did it to help me and Will out of a helpess situation,"

Awe filled his eyes for a second before becoming dark again and his cocky smile slid back onto his face.

"Does that mean that I get an actual kiss now," he smirked.

I wasn't sure what it was about Nate, but he made me feel more confident than I had in years and with a mischevious grin I stood on my toes and pecked him on the lips. His sea green eyes widened in shock and he stumbled back, falling on his back. I laughed, harder than I had in a long time.

"That's the first time I've heard that," he said, in a boastful way. I was quickly learning that everything that came out of Nate's mouth was filled with arrogance, but it didn't bother me.

"First time you heard what?" I asked, tilting my head at him.

"Your laugh. I thought you were always morbidly depressed. Was coming to the point I was going to buy a cross and a hell of a lot of garlic,"

I rolled my eyes at him, choosing not to respond to his comment.

"You could have done it some other way, you know,"

"I know" he shrugged, "but it wouldn't have been as effective. I know Will, and the only thing that was sure to get under his skinw as you,"

"You could have at least told me," I grumbled.

"I needed the fear to be real. Will would smelt, and most likely seen, if it wasn't. I wasn't willing to take that chance just to give you some peace of mind. Besides, you wouldn't have forgiven me if it didn't work flawlessly, or as well as it did," he smirked in victory, and I had to hand it to him, he had planned it out well.

'Well then, thanks again," I said, giving him a tentative smile.

"Anytime, Mace. Remember, all of us here want Will back, and if that means bringing you back, then we'll do that too"

I wasn't sure what that meant, but I was happy about it all the same

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