Waning Moon-Chapter 7

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No food

No water

No light

No sound.

If there was nothing around me, then maybe I wouldn't feel anything. Then maybe I could fall into an endless abyss and forget about the horrible darkness eating me up inside. I wanted to die, but I couldn't.

After three days in the room without any contact, I was sure I should have died. But one kind wolf explained  few days later that I couldn't starve myself or be dehydrated, it was one of my gifts as an Emerald-eyed one. I could only be killed, and no one here was willing to do it.

They would rather I suffer endlessly then lay a hand against me-their precious princess.

That was how they saw me now, without Will here to make me feel like part of their family. I was just the princess locked away in the tower, refusing to meet the cold horrors of the world.

Today marked one week without him. One week of solitude, depression, and complete and utter devastation. 

I lay on his bed, which was quickly losing his wild scent, curled up in his blankets and staring at the shadows underneath the door. They stood out there, hoping that I would come out. But I had no plans on doing so.

I was content here in my sadness and agony, in the one place that reminded me that Will had even existed in the first place. Because this had to be a nightmare. What flagitious fates would take him away from me for eight years, give him back, bless me with his love, and then just rip away again in the most agonizing and permanent way?

I had to believe this was a nightmare. So I isolated myself from the world that tried to wake me up and force me into the wretched reality. I wanted to be stuck in my nightmare, until Will woke up into a much more kinder world.

There was a knock on the door. I ignored it. It went away.

A few hours later, another knock. More feverish this time. I ignored it.

Another hour later. Several knocks, but different hand. Unintelligible yelling. Banging on the door. I pick my head up but don't bother to get up from the bed.

They continue to band on the door, making it bulge against the frame. and then they stop.

and one voice breaks through my grieving and bring my numb body back to life.

"No...no, no, no, NO!" I cry, scrambling from the bed into the farthest corner of the room. To think that they would go to this extent, to use these kinds of despicable methods. The wound in my already traumatized heart reopened and sent me into so much pain I didn't realize how much I had been holding back. I curled up and breathed in short, frenzied gasps. My mind was flurried and fuzzy, concentrating on that one sharp image that made me want to vomit. That one sensation that made me fly as high as heaven, before plummeting back down to my own personal hell. That cherished memory, torn and tainted. Will's face, after he kissed me.

Any barriers I had left came crashing down and I began to weep with the renewed loss. I could still hear his voice, on the other side of that door, calling to me, and it continued to whip at my emotions. How they managed to perfect his voice, I desperately wanted to know, as well as destroy. It was just too much pain, and gave me false hope that I knew would only be striked down as soon as they were built up.

"P-please. S-s-stop," I choked out. My voice was raspy from going days without talking, but with their wolf hearing I was sure they would be able to hear me.

Apparently not, because the next moment the door was barged down, wood splintering as figured emerged from the brightly lit hallway into my sinister sanctuary. I squinted from the sudden flood of light and had to strain to see the men approaching me.

My heart sped up, and my breathing increased. I felt butterflies in my stomach and was suddenly so happy I couldn't complrehend. My brain didn'y know what was happening yet, but my body did. Some part of me, whether it was human of emerald-eyed, had known it was him.

"Will?" I gasped.

His face finally came into view, and without a word I launched myself into his arms. He stumbled back, seeming to be taken aback, and laughed at my arubtness. but it was a tired and weak laugh and made me take a second look at him. He was gaunt and pale, and his eyes seemed to be glazed over and barely registering that I was there. I looked to the others behind him, but they weren't looking at Will as if they were scared for him, they looked they were scared OF him.

"What-" I began. But before I could continue, A deep growl started in Will's chest, sending a dooming shiver through my blood.

***short I know. But it's mostly a filler. But still, please vote and comment,it really helps me gets past writers block to hear others opinions.


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