Waning Moon-Chapter 9

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Hope this makes up for the last few chapters, I know they were short and i apologize.

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Nobody would tell me what they had done with Will. I asked them every few minuted as they bandaged me up, force fed me soup and made me drank nearly a gallon of water. I didn't stop when they bathed me or changed me or took excruciatingly long to comb through my hair and plait it into a braid. I begged them, I pleaded with everyone who walked in the door, to tell me where Will was.

They didn't understand how I felt. They didn't understand how empty I felt with him away from me. How the moment he was out of the room I collapsed under an invisible pressure that threatened to take away my consciousness unless he was by side. How my heart ached in my chest and beat violently against my ribs to return to him. How my eyes ached every moment I couldn't see him. How my ears bled from every voice that wasn't his. I needed to see Will.

I hadn't thought that my love for him could get any stronger, but apparently it had, and it was killing me.

"please, just tell me he's okay," I pleaded to Simone as she tried to force me to drink a cup of warm milk. I didn't want any of it. Just the thought of me here in this comfort while they did gods no what with Will made me want to vomit.

"I don't know anything, sweetheart, I'm sorry," Simone sighed. She had been with me through all of this and she knew better than anyone how desperate I was to see him.

"Then take me to who does!" I cried out, jumping to my feet and sending the mug of warm, white liquid to the ground. I ran to the door and pulled it open as I ran out into the hall. They had guards here of course, since they expected me to make a run for it, and they immediately went to grab me.

"Tell me where Will is!' I screamed in their faces. The young Wolves barely flinched. I knew them, they were Will's friends. Had been friends with the Wolves that died on the mission. and yet they were already back to work and didn't even show me a hint of mercy.

"Go back to your room, Princess,' one of them said monotonously. Cato I think his name was.

"Now until I see Will," I growled, trying to wrench my arms from his grasp. If possible his stony gaze seemed to become harder and he opened his mouth to scream at me. I flinched back from him, preparing for the verbal hit, but was saved by Sam.

"Cato, stop, leave the poor girl alone,"

Cato and his friend let go of me and I ran into Sam's familiar embrace, tears blurring my vision.

"Please Sam, you're alpha, you have to know how Will is," I choked, looking up into his soft brown eyes that were identical to Will's. It made my heart constrict and my breathing become labored to see that familiar color.

"Macie...it's not safe for you to see him right now,"

"Sam, you don't understand. It hurts" my voice cracked at the end, making my point. 

Sam's eyes widened at my words, but only minimally before he set the stony mask I had become so familiar with back on. It seemed that everyone here was trained to hide their emotions.

Sam seemed to deliberate for a few moments, and a spark of hope kindled in me.  I had seen that look before, it was the look he would get before finally giving into me and Will's pleas and letting us have desert for dinner, or before letting us stay up past our bedtime.

"Ok, fine. Come with me," he sighed. I almost jumped with glee but managed to contain myself. I follow Sam through the familiar winding hallway, until we met a door next to the staircase that was always locked. he pulled out a key from his pocket and opened the door to reveal a set of long,narror stairs, although these led deeper down. The floor where most of the rooms were already on the basement level of the home, at least during the winter, so I hadn't expected for there to be an even deeper level. As we went farther and farther down it continued to get colder to the point where I was shivering in the plush coat Simone had pushed me into to fare off the oncoming hypothermia. I hadn't noticed how cold it was with all the pain I felt from Will's departure, but i could feel him getting closer and closer, and each step sent some of the numbness away.

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