Chapter 10

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I couldn't go anywhere. If I went any farther than up the stairs from where Will was being held, I would double over in pain, and every step that took me further away from him was agonizing. So finally the wolves had decided there was only one way to fix this. To put me in the cell across from Will.

Which meant we could see each other

see but not touch

talk but not kiss

yell but not hurt

torment but not torture

Eventually I just closed off from him. I lay in the small bunk, curled up in a blanket meant to shield me from the natural cold and tried to ignore the chill words that spouted from Will 24 hours a day that made me want to jump out a window. He was completely manic.

He'd be sweet and gentle one moment, making me want to pry open those metal bars and leap into his arms. Then he'd be cold and cynical and snarling at every little thing I did, making me want to break down in tears. Then he would croon and plead with me to forgive him, and tell me he loved me. Finally, he would give in and show his blood lust and reach for me through the six foot space between us, snarling obscenities and yelling that I was his and would follow his orders.

I just hid in the farthest corner of my cell and cried silent tears as I prayed for all of this to be over soon.

But after a week of this hell, Will was showing no progress.

"Always crying, I always knew you were weak," He sneered from his cell. I ignored him.

"I honestly don't know why I ever wasted my time with you, there's so many better choices out there,"

That struck a nerve, but I continued to ignore him.

"You were never good enough for me,"

"Will you shut up!" I finally screeched, jumping up and going forward as far as the cell would let me. I pressed my face up to the bars, and glared at him with as much emotion as I could.

"You are a monster," I seethed,"all you do is jabber on all day and hope something you say will strike a nerve. Well guess what, mission accomplished! I am pissed! I am sad! I hate my life! Is that what you wanted!"

He didn't answer, for once seeming stunned into silence.

"You can't believe you ever loved me? Well ditto! Because I can't believe I ever loved a sniveling, weak, cruel, tool like you!"

"You bitch!" Will suddenly jumped up and slammed again the bars, reaching for me with animistic gleam in his eyes that told me he would be at this for a while. I crawled back to my corner and watched as he slammed into the steel columns over and over again, until one, single column, was slightly bent. He smiled cruelly, and lifted his hungry glare at me, before returning to his systematic beating.

I shivered in time with his beats, ever clang making me want to crawl deeper and deeper into my own mind until he claed his way through both cells and reached me. That last tyrade had been filled with all the fight I had left in me. Now, it was just a game of waiting.

After what seemed like forever, Will suddenly stopped. I hated myself for doing so, but I peeked at him to make sure he was O.K.

He stood frozen in place, mid-punch as he stared off towards the entrance to the cells. Hesitantly, I creeped towards my door and tried to maneuver myself so that I could see the stairwell and not get too close to the bars that held the only protection between me and Will.

I could only catch a glimpse, but I could see the door swing open and someone creep in, although they quickly were out of my range of sight.

"Hello?" I called out, surprised to see we had a visitor. Usually no one came down here except to feed us.. There was also the occasional check in by Sam, but he had come in yesterday to tell me he would be gone for  a few days on a hunting trip, and he would come see me when he came back. So who was our mysterious visitor.

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