Waning moon-Prologue

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We weren’t supposed to be in the woods but it didn’t matter to us. We loved it here; loved the abundant crunchy leaves that made huge piles for us to jump in, the smell of the bright sunlight filtering in through the canopy of dark evergreen to light up the trails of packed earth made by our feet. Loved the low branches of the willows that made the trees so easy to climb; the peaceful melody of the steady stream passing through that had the small tadpoles that would flicker silver in the water when we plunged our hands in to cool off in the summer. To us there was nothing better than the wind rustling through the trees and chasing us until we hid behind the large boulders by the stream-side and passed us. To me there was no better feeling then being in the woods behind my home with my best friend, Will.

I squealed as I felt his pudgy eight year old palms smack into my back and his high pitched voice shriek ‘tag!’ He lurched behind a tree, chocolaty eyes dancing with mischief as he searched for a way around me and to the safe zone at the base of the big oak tree with the family of squirrels living in the hollow. I grinned evilly as I leaped forward and made a grab for his shirt, the same soft brown tone as his hair. He dodged my snatch and sprinted away, laughing loudly as I chased after him. I laughed just as loudly as I followed close behind, my hand a few inches from the fabric of his shirt. We were getting closer to the curve in the woods, where there was the hill that led down to the faster part of the stream. The safe zone was just beyond that curve.

I took a chance and pushed forward. I miscalculated and my momentum sent me pitching forward. The ground didn’t meet me in the time I expected. Instead, I continued to pitch downhill, the whitewater of the rapids trading back and forth with a blurry view of the oak leaf encrusted hillside. I halted harshly as my jacket snagged on a rock jutting out of the earth and pulled me to a sickening stop. The breath whooshed out of me at the sudden lurching and I lay still, looking up at the gray rolling clouds covering the sky like a thick, stifling blanket. I wanted to lift my hand and pull the blanket away, so I could stay and play with Will.

“Macie-Hold on, I'm coming, don’t move!” Will called. There was the sound of crunching leaves and some dirt tumbled down the hill a few seconds before he did.

“Are you Okay?” he asked, his lean, olive face peering down at me anxiously. I rolled over with an audible groan as I felt the areas where tomorrow there would surely be bruises. My parents would be mad if they found out, they might not let me come out and play if they found out I had gotten hurt.

“I think so,” I said after an once-over of myself to make sure there were no visible cuts that would tip off my parents. But Will wasn’t looking at me anymore; he was staring off at the far banks of the stream, where a man was watching us. Fear shot through me and I immediately started to back away. The man was staring at us in a bad way. Not really at Will, but at me. He had an evil glint to his eye, and something about the way he stood told me that he could hurt me and Will without trying.

“Will, let’s go,” I whispered harshly, pulling on the sleeve of his shirt; his eyes didn’t leave the man as he slowly backed away with me. I pulled harder, fearing he wouldn’t leave with me. This man was dangerous, I could feel it in the way my gut clenched and my palms sweated.

I turned to watch my steps as I climbed the hill, and froze. The man was waiting at the top of the hill, his hands clasped behind him as he waited patiently for us to go to him. I glanced back at the other side but there was nothing there. How had he gotten here so fast? Now I could make out more details about him. His pale face was peppered with cruel eyes and a stern, mocking mouth. His pale silvery hair was cut close to his head and did not move as mine did when the wind blew fiercely. His small black eyes were locked on me in a way that made me think he was here for me. Will was safe, as long as he got me. I turned to tell him to run, that I was the target but the fierce hatred on his usually cherubic face stunned me. I had never seen Will so mad, so beyond fury that he was speechless. Will would never leave, not when he felt this way. But he didn’t stand a chance, he was only eight, and although taller and leaner than most he was still just a child, same as me. The man was tall and wide, and seemed as unmovable as a mountain. The only way we were both getting out of this was if we ran, and screamed until someone heard us and came to help. But the expression on Will’s face told me he had a different plan.

“Macie, run,” he whispered to me, tugging me behind him as he took a defensive position between me and the man. He had seen it too, that I was the target. So why wasn’t he running?

“Not without you,” I whimpered, tugging on his hand as I started to edge down the bank of the stream. I couldn’t leave Will here, he was my best friend, and we would face the danger together.

“Will, no!” I shrieked as he tugged free of my hold and flew at the man, an animalistic gleam in his eye. The man looked startled but nonetheless he was prepared. Before Will could even touch him he backhanded him almost like an afterthought. I felt the warm liquid hit my face before I saw it on the Man’s hand, and only a second before I glanced at Will and saw him holding his side with an agonizing expression.

He met my eyes and without words told me what I had to do. Run, get help. With tears in my eyes I did, and a few seconds later heard Will’s angry scream as he charged the man again. I was a fast runner, way faster than anyone I knew, but I still didn’t feel fast enough as I ran for the only safe haven I knew, my home. I ran and ran, not stopping until I found my parents in the backyard and led them back, tears still streaming down my face, to where there was only a puddle of blood on the ground, but no Will.

Waning moonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon