Waning Moon-Chapter 4

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Will led me to a seat facing the crowd. He sat next to me, and then a line of old weathered men filed into the room and sat on either side of us. I stared at them curiously, understanding that they were probably the elders. None of them looked at me, but one did glance at will with a prideful look. I immediately recognized him as Will's father.

One of the men, the oldest by far, shakily arose from his seat and with a voice much stronger than would have been expected from such a frail looking man, yelled out to the room.

"Today, we come together to acknowledge a great tragedy, and a an even greater victory for our pack. Yesterday, this girls parents were killed by the enemy, but she was luckily saved, by a group of our best young males,"

At this point he turned and motioned to a group of about five young men in the front row who rose and kneel-ed. Will also rose, but simply bowed his head to the elder. He nodded to them and they resumed their original seats.

"As we all know, we do not intercede on the happenings of the enemy very often, but in this case, it is fortunate that we did. For this girl, seated here next to our future leader, is the girl with the Emerald eyes,"

I jumped in shock at the elders words. I had never been called that in my life, and I certainly didn't know what it meant. I stared in confusion at the old man, but he did not even glance at me as he continued on.

"We have all heard the story of the Emerald eyed Clan. They were once the protectors of the land, made by Mother Earth herself to protect her and her children, from the unnatural creatures-the vampires"

The room broke out in a series of growls and hisses as disgust crawled onto every face in the room. The word alone had created this kind of reaction, I wondered what would happen if they encountered an actual vampire.

"Since the beginning of history, the vampires have hunted down the Emerald Eyed Ones, for two reasons: to keep them from being able to grow in power and wipe the vampires out completely, as they almost did so long ago; and to increase their own power, by taking the blood and life-energy of the Emerald Eyed ones,"

I hadn't realized I had stopped breathing until I felt Will's hand on mine. He squeezed gently, but didn't turn to look at me. His attention was centered on the group of werewolves in front of us, who stared at me with multiple emotions: awe, realization, fear, anger.

"There has not been an Emerald Eyed one for centuries, as it takes a rare mixture of human blood to create a body pure enough to be blessed by the Mother Earth. Which is why the vampires will do everything in their power to get their hands on the one we have saved," the old man finally glanced at me, but his eyes gave away none of the emotions that the others showed.

I was anxious, terrified really, of this new-found information. I was different, I'd known all my life I was different. But being unique at this moment didn't make me feel special, it made me feel like i had a big red target sign painted across my face. Or more likely, on my neck. I was being hunted by vampires, and it had gotten my parents killed, and put my best friend in danger.

"So now I come to the issue," boomed the old man. He turned to fully face me now, and extended one hand to me "it is our duty, as the children of the Mother Earth, to protect and aid her blessed one at all costs, from her enemies. The only question is, will she accept us as her protectors, friends, and family,"

I was speechless. They wanted me to become one of them, to become part of their pack. They knew the danger that they would be putting themselves in, and yet they still threw me a safety line.

Even knowing this, I couldn't help but nod. If they were willing to take the risk, why shouldn't I? I had nothing to lose, and they had extended the offer knowing astronomically more than I did. Besides, if it meant I would get to have Will back in my life, I would do anything.

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