4|| One Last Game ~ Jimmy Butler

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For gawdxtrilla

Based on a scene from Love and Basketball.

AJ's P.O.V.

Life will never be the same. It is all about the growth I guess. The love of my life is about to get married, I don't have the same love and passion for the game I used to love and I'm here banking my life away. Anything to make some money in this world.

"AJ?" I heard a familiar voice say. I can't believe I agreed to meet with him.

"Hey Jimmy." I said as I hugged him a little. We sat down on the grass next to the local basketball court, which thankfully was empty. I did not need people questioning on why am I with THE Jimmy Butler, especially since he is getting married soon.

"Is there a specific reason, that you wanted to meet up with me?" I asked, as I tried to get myself comfortable.

"I don't know. Talk, catch up on life. I guesd whatever old friends do." he shrugged. I shook my head at him and he started talking about all the moments in our life, growing up with each other. From the time we fought in the yard, which I clearly won, to times we had each other back on and off the court. It felt good, being able to talk to him again like old times. He wasn't just my lover, he was my friend.

"Jimmy. I have something to tell you." I said as I tried to get rid of these nerves. I had to tell him about my feelings, unless it will haunt me forever.

"The floor is yours AJ." he said with that cute smile.

"Jimmy. I still have feelings for you. I thought they went away when I went to play overseas, but when I came back and I saw you at the hospital, all those pesty butterflies came back and it has been driving me crazy." I said in one breathe. I quickly started to regret it, when his face showed no emotion.

"But I am getting married." he chocked out. I let out a loud sigh and pulled the basketball from under his legs.

"Let us play, one last game. If you win, you get to marry the love of your life. If I win, it shows that you lost for spite and you have some type of feelings, so you would drop the wedding. Deal?" I said as I bounced the ball on the court. He got up and dust himself from the grass and joined me on the court.

"Deal." he said with an unreadable expression. Let us see how this would turn out. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.

"Are we going to play, or?" He asked as he waited for me. I threw the ball at him harshly to check the ball and he threw it back with as much force. I dribbled the ball down the court and drived through the paint for a lay up as my shot was blocked. He instantly got the rebound and made the shot. I huffed in defeat as I ran to play defense. It was obvious that he is not going easy on me.

It was the final possesion of the game and I was losing horribly. The score was 10-20 and he needed one more point to win the game. I did not try to play any defense and allowed the shot to go in. Disappointed, couldn't describe my emotions right now. All I wanted to do, is go home and cry.

"Well I guess you won. I hope yoh have a lovely wedding." I said as I picked up my stuff.

"Who said she was the love of my life." he said as he walked away to his car.

It has been a couple days since I last saw Jimmy and my life has been miserable. Every news outlet and magazine id talking about the "Wedding of the Century", with him and plastic looking fiance. I walked into my apartment after a long day of work. All I wanted was some food and a glass of wine to cool off. I put on my tv to ESPN, to catch the highlights of the games that passed. As I was getting myself dinner, one headline strucked out and had me in shock.
"The Wedding of the Century is no more" I quickly turned up the volume to hear what the reporters have to say. .

"From the headline, it is obvious that Chicago Bulls star Jimmy Butler, has broken up with his fiance. He reason to the public is that, he wasn't in love with her, he was in love with someone else." The reporter said. Someone else. What is wrong with this boy. As I headed back to the kitchen, I heard a knock on the door. Peeping through the peep hole, I saw it was Jimmy. What is he doing here?

"Jimmy what is going on?" I asked as I opened the door. He then pulled me closer to him and planted his lips and on me. We stood their in the middle of the doorway, engaging in a long passionate kiss.


AJ I hoped you liked this 😊💜

Until Next Time
One Love

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