Chapter 5

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I had always been one who was up for an adventure. I loved road trips, parties, traveling, anything, you name it. Everyone knew this about me, which is why people were surprised when I began dating Ellis. He liked to stay on the safe side. Obviously I wasn't the one to go overboard and completely make myself look like a fool, but a little mischievous never hurt anyone. Except him, as it seems.

Luke and I had been at this party for about an hour now. He had told me that this was a 'small' party, but there were nearly 50 people crammed into this single apartment. There were a few flowing out the front door and outside, but inside it was nutty. The music had been blaring at a quarter to midnight, which I was expecting to hear in a few days how Cianna got a noise complaint.

Most of these people I hadn't known. I knew Luke, Cianna, Lukes' friends, and a random that offered to take my coat to the coat rack. Luke had met his 3 friends at a walk around the school campus a few weeks ago. I talked to them briefly, they were quite loud and annoying, but so was Luke. They fit him perfectly.

For me right now, I had a few drinks in my system and I knew that by the end of the night, I'd have a lot more than just a few. At the end of the summer, I always completely let loose since I knew school would stop me from doing so. And with the added nervous feeling of Ellis' weird stop by my front door paired with Luke and I almost kissing, I needed to have a little fun. I was always a social drinker, I'd never see the reason as to how drowning in alcohol would rid your worries.

Luke had never been a big drinker. Ever since his first time getting completely wasted his first time sophomore year on New Years, he promised that he'd never let himself get that bad again. But I don't think he'd had more than 3 drinks in the past 3 years. He didn't see the point of it and as to why you'd want to erase your memory then throw up for a whole day.

"Truth or dare?" The squeaking of Cianna's voice rang through the house. About 10 of us were sat on her back porch, very squished might I add. I don't exactly know how, but we'd all decided on playing the same game I played at parties in the 8th grade.

"Dare." A boy's voice called back. I was sitting in Luke's lap, since there were only 6 chairs. Over the course of the night, the awkward tension between Luke and I completely fell as it always did. I cocked my head across the group of people to see that it was one of Luke's friends, Ashton I believe, answering her question.

"Hmmm." Cianna tapped her chin and pursed her lips. I rolled my eyes at her, as just about everything she did annoyed me. "Find a girl in the crowd and get her to go home with you." She beamed her bright white smile at him. He rolled his eyes just like I'd done before at her. I smirked, knowing he was probably just as agitated by her as I was.

"Pass, Cianna." He declared. "That's just cruel." He chuckled, shaking his head. A few muffled laughs were heard, mostly towards Cianna and her actually cruel ways.

"Fine." She puffed. Her hands flicked her hair off her shoulder, letting it rest on her petite back. "Ask away then, but you're out after." She winked at him and he completely ignored and shifted his body right to me and Luke.

"Luke." He called. I could feel his hair tickle the back of my neck as his head shot up from reading whatever he was reading on his phone. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Luke immediately answered. He would never pass up a dare, as any other boy. Boys were quite dumb about this stuff in all honesty. It's like completing a dare gave you and ultimate power or something, I don't know.

"Seven minutes in heaven with Autumn." His eyes flicked towards me as he bit his lip to hide his laughter. My head turned to examine Luke's face, which was faintly turning pink.

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