Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

     I open my eyes and see a destroyed camp. I thought I was in the hospital. I thought. Then I realized I was. A big junk yard is what it looked like. The only part of the hospital left was the floor, my bed, some other beds, and I saw the sheets from the ceiling laying shredded on the floor. Also there were people everywhere, dead or alive. They were just scattered, some on the floor, some on beds, and I also saw random people pop off the ground outside. I'm guessing that they were just camouflaged by the debris. So they looked like big blobs running around. I sat up I didn't really get hit so it didn't hurt so bad. I started to get up out of bed. I put my feet on the floor but I immediately fell. I hadn't walked in a long time so I wasn't really surprised, kind of just startled. I grabbed the side of the bed and slowly got up again. I gained my balance as I started to walk. I probably looked really wobbly but I didn't care. I barely got anywhere until something stopped me. I looked was a body. I looked was...Colonel Johnson. I was awestruck. I couldn't believe it.

  "" He barley muttered the last word as his eyes closed. I felt like crying but I didn't know why. A tear rolled down my cheek. I got up and stepped over the body. I knew I had to get out of there before I really started to cry. I started walking through the debris.

  Then it hit me. Where was Tommy? Then something else hit me. Where's was dad? I hadn't thought about this since somebody rescued me. I started to get worried since I hadn't actually seen him at camp at all. I looked around frantically. Then I saw the slightest movement. It was beside a tree. Then I saw it again. I started walking toward the movement. I don't know why though, there was about a 7% chance that it was Tommy or dad. But this tiny bit of something....I didn't know what, maybe hope, maybe sadness, maybe even just curiosity. But something just popped and made a stream through my blood pulling my over there. I kept going closer and closer regretting every step. Then I slowly knelt beside the movement and then it moved again and I jumped as something said....



  "Help me."

  "Who are you?" I asked.

  "Your brother..." the voice slowly faded away. Then my instincts got a hold of my and I went bizerck.

  "TOMMY!" I shouted as I dug my hands through the debris. I felt a body got a grip on it and pulled. Tommy looked dead. Everything I'd been holding in just came out. I threw my face into his chest and cried. I was in the middle of a destroyed camp with a probably dead brother, a lost or dead dad......I shuttered at the thought. Wow, what a day. I thought as I just laid there next to Tommy sobbing.

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