Mike X Reader Scenario #1 Part 3

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Mikes POV

Tomorrow school starts up again, I haven't seen Y/n all winter break. Every possible second I can I am thinking about y/n, and when she kissed me at the end of my Christmas party. Does she like me now? Should I ask her out? Was she just playing with my feelings? Do girls do that? Ugh I'm so confused. I really hope she likes me, cause I really like her.

*the next day, the first day of school after winter break*


You are walking through the courtyard of the school to get to the main entrance again. You are still very happy that you kissed mike, but at the same time, you regret it. You still love him to death but you know he has a lot of questions. So you decide to ignore what happened all together.
You see the bullies approaching Mike and the guys, great, just what you needed. A bunch of retards screwing with your friends.
"Hey frog face! Get your ugly ass over here!"
The bullies approach Mike and the guys.
"What do you want Troye." Mike mummers
"I heard what happened at the Christmas party dumbass" Troye said. Shit. How did he find out?!
"What are you talking about?" Mike asked in a confused tone.
"I know the new hot girl kissed you at the party, don't deny it."
Mike remains silent
"So, how'd you do it, how did you get her to kiss you? What did you have to pay her huh?"
"I don't know what you're taking about Troye! Leave me alone!" Mike shouts at Troye
"Tell Me Wheeler before I sock you in the face!" Troye threatened.
"Nothing happened!" Mike yelled.
Troye was pissed now.
"That's it Wheeler"
Troye punched mike, so hard that mike fell backwards and hit his head. You are enraged.
Troye gets on top of Mike and continues to punch him. You've had enough. You dash Over to Mike and yell at Troye
"Get off him bastard!"
Troye gets off Mike and approaches you.
"Why'd you do it? Huh? Why'd you kiss frog face?" You are done with his shit. You give Troye what he deserves. A nice big kick in the balls. Troye falls to the ground, you get in top of him and start to beat the shit out of him. The bell rings but you don't care, you continue to beat Troye.
"Y/n stop! He's had enough! I said he's had enough!" Mike shouts at you. But you don't care you are going to give Troye what he deserves. You give Troye one final punch to the nose until just then Mike pulls you off and drags you to class.
"Sorry Mike, I just had to, he just really pissed me off. Especially after he punched you." You say to Mike. Then you look to him, you see where Troye hit him, right on his perfect cheekbone, he was bleeding and bruised. You brush you hand across his wound "he deserved it." You say. You both walk into class and take your seats.

Mikes POV

Wow. I can't believe that y/n did that for me. She beat up Troye, and good.

The school day is over now and the guys and I are playing some D & D in my basement. All day I've been thinking about y/n. She was gonna come over soon after she finished her homework.
"Sooo Mike, you never told us who you liked at the Christmas Party" will pointed out
"Oh yeah, that's right, who do you like Mike? Hmmm?" Dustin teased
"I think I have a pretty good hunch on who he likes" Lucas laughed
"What?" I asked. I hope they don't know it's y/n, they'd tease the hell out of me if they knew that I'm in love with her...
"Ooohhh! You do?!" Will asked Lucas
"Who who? Who does mike like?!" Dustin exclaimed.
"Guys it's obvious, Mike likes y/n, you guys haven't seen it in him? Even with her kissing him at this Christmas Party? It's so obvious." Lucas stated. Fuck. He knows, and now the guys do to. I need to throw them off track.
"What?! No! Ew, Gross..."
I shout at the guys
"I don't like her!"
I love her, I think to myself.
Just then, she arrives.
I dash upstairs to get the door. I open it. She's looking beautiful as always. I show her inside and pull up a chair to our game table for her.

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