Mike X Reader Scenario #1 Part 2

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Mike pulls over a chair for you. You sit aside him and watch The boys play D & D.  A few hours in, you fall asleep, the campaign was too boring to you. Later, Mike awakens you, "Hey, Y/N, wakie wakie."
Mike says in a soft voice and you are wooed.
You just realize that you fell asleep durning their campaign and apologize profusely.
"No problem, Your mom is ready to go"
Oh right, I forget that's why I was here.
"Oh yeah, thanks, see you tomorrow!"
And You're off. You get in the car with your mom and buckle up.
"Hey, Y/N are you okay?"
Your mom asks
"Uhhh, yeah why wouldn't I be?"
"Well I just didn't expect you to play D & D with a bunch of boys you just meet for 4 hours."
Oh, hehe hehe. Shit. You chuckle awkwardly
"Mom I fell asleep during the campaign and who cares if I just meet them, there're really nice and cool!" You fire back
"Oh, okay then." Your mom takes a subtle pause then asks in a high pitch tone,
"Soooo, do you think any of these new boys are cute?"
Mike comes to your mind
"Ew mom! No! Gross" you shout
"Mmhmm, okay then." Your mom says in a sly tone. You grunt and lean over and look out the window. It's a pretty sunset. But then you think, "why did Mike come to my mind when mom asked if I thought anyone was cute"? I don't like Mike, do I? No. no, defiantly Not.
You arrive home and go to sleep.

//The Next Day\\

You arrive at school. You are walking through the courtyard to get to the main entrance. You see Mike and the crew putting away their bikes, right as you're about to say hello, someone beats you to it.
"I see the freak show has shown up for another act haven't they?"
Who they hell are these two fuckers?
"Hey frog face, I heard you had the new girl over at your place. I bet you and the freaks showed her a real show"
Put on a show? What the hell is going on?
"Shut up Troye, my mom just invited her and her mom to welcome them to the neighborhood!" Mike shot back
"I bet you tried to kiss her and she ran for her life!" The other bully stated at Mike
"Nice try James. She isn't even that pretty!"
What. You feel like vomiting, but you don't really know why, no matter the fact you stand up for mike and the gang.
"Hey fuckfaces! Leave them alone!"
You've always had a bad mouth. But you didn't care.
The bullies stared at you in awe. Like you were glowing or something.
"Woah, not even that pretty? James, the new girl is hot as shit!"
James uses a cheesy cat call whistle on you and says
"Hot damn! We get a new girl from angle island?"
You roll your eyes and then the bell rings. Time for day 2 yippee.

You're walking to your first class and then you hear-
"Hey y/n! Wait up!"
Mike calls At you. He catches up to you. He is out of breath
"Thanks--Thanks for that--back there"
You laugh a little at the fact of how red and tired he is
"No problem, I used to get bullied at my old school, so now whenever I have the chance I like to stand them up." You reply and then you two walk into class and sit down. You can't help but hink about what Mike said "She isn't even that pretty!" You feel like vomiting. But then you just wish that his beautiful black side swept hair, deep brown eyes and incredible jawline was all yours. Oh god. You realize that you're in love with the Mike Wheeler.

3 Months Later

It's been the best since you moved to Hawkins, meeting Mike and the guys is the greatest thing that ever happened.

You're in the car with your mom on the way to the Wheelers annual Christmas Party. You are wearing something a little more scandalous than you usually would, you're wearing a skin tight, deep velvet red dress that goes a few inches above your knees and only has 1 shoulder side strap. Your mom also loved it on you, otherwise you'd be in something else. Your hair is waved and has a few semi-permanent maroon streaks in it for Christmas time. You're sporting a sharp cat eye and some frisky red lipstick and two inch red pumps to top it all off.

Mikes POV

Ugh. It's almost time for the Christmas party again. I honestly hate it for one reason and one reason only, my mom doesn't know that James and Troye bully the guys and I, so they always are over for the party taunting us in the basement but this year, I don't know what to wear. I feel like for some reason I should dress better than I usually would. I found myself looking through my dads ties and thinking to myself "hmmm which one would y/n like the best?" Wait, what?! Do, do I like her? I mean she is really pretty but- oh shit. I like y/n. A lot. I ended up picking a classic dark red tie, simple, yet scandalous. Downstairs waiting for people to arrive the guys and I are just chilling.
"Hey guys, I think I need to tell you something" I say to them
"Well, what is it?" Lucas asked
"I think I like his really pretty girl"
"Oooooo Mikes got a crush!" Will exclaimed
"Who is it?!" Dustin asked
"Well, it's um-"

We all run upstairs to greet the first guest. Ugh, I can't see past the guys or my parents, who it is- Oh. My. God. It's, its Y/n. She looks- stunning, amazing, glamorous, beautiful, and-
"Hey Mike! I love your tie! It matches my dress" y/n says with a laugh. I feel like I can't speak she looks so gorgeous.
"Oh yeah, um, thanks. You look-
Pretty. Good. - You look pretty good" why the hell would I say that oh my god like yes it's very true but that makes it sound like I like her, which I do but she can't know! Cause I know she won't like me back. But I'm admiring her, I don't care if anyone realizes, I'm checking y/n out full on. Her dress is ever so tight, revealing her amazing body, all of her curves and her edges, they're so beautiful. And her plump lips with that dark red kills me. It's so hot.
"Earth To Mike! Hello?!" Dustin brings me back to reality.
"Ah There you are, all of us are downstairs hanging out, did you want to come join us or just stare off into space again?"
"Oh, right. Coming!"
I walk downstairs with Dustin to the basement. I still can't help but drool over y/n. She just looks so beautiful. Just as all of us settle down to watch a Christmas movie, the doorbell rings again. We all go upstairs to see who is here now. Oh, great. It's James & Troye.
"Damn frog face! How did you get the new hot girl to come to your dumb Christmas party? Did you pay her or something?"
Troye says and James chuckles.
"For your information I actually wanted to come, thank you very much" y/n snapped back at Troye and James.
"Whatever" Troye rolls his eyes.
We all head down to the basement again.
"So, Y/n, you know that there is a mistletoe somewhere around here.. wanna go look for it with me?" Troye asked y/n. I'm enraged, how can he have the guts to say that to her?! What a douche.
"Um, ew, no thanks" y/n replies to Troye obviously disinterested and disgusted. I feel a bit better. James and Troye go upstairs to eat their hearts out, the guys, y/n and I continue watching that Christmas movie. After around 50 minutes in, y/n got really sleepy. She started to drift off, which I didn't mind, she looked like an angle while sleeping. Then, in her sleep she shifted a little and her head was now on my shoulder. I felt so warm and happy inside, after the movie ended my mom called from upstairs,
"Mike! Y/n's mom is ready to go! Where is she?"
Shit shit shitttt. This means I have to wake her up.
"She's coming! One second mom!" I yell back.
"Hey, y/n, I'm sorry, but your mom is ready to go, wake up." I say to her in a soft voice
"Huh? Oh, okay thanks, sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep"
"Oh don't worry, it's no problem" I ensure her.
"Oh wait! Guys, I have gifts for all of you let me go get them!" She said excitedly. And then she ran upstairs and came down with 3 wrapped presents. I was a little confused because there is 4 of us. Dustin, Lucas, Will and I. Anyways she hands out all of the presents, to everyone except me.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were gonna get us presents, you didn't need to! I would've definitely bought you something if I had known! I'm so sorry" I explain to y/n.
"It's okay" y/n says
"Here is your gift." And she kissed me, right by my ear.
"Have a goodnight you guys! Merry Christmas!" Y/n blushed and quickly ran upstairs and was out the door. I'm still standing there in shock. Y/n just kissed me.
"I guess that was your gift." Will says with a laugh.
"Yeah, I guess it was" I said.
"I guess it was."

Authors Note.
Hey guys! I took 4 days writing this I hope that you enjoy it! Also, I can't believe that after only 4 days I'm up to 40 reads! Thanks you guys so much! Also, I love  seeing your feedback about the story in the comments, making my readers happy is an amazing feeling. Ily you guys!


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