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Clarke's POV:
Nine years later

I laughed as I watched my handsome husband chase our little seven year old Jake around the living room. I had five year old Aurora in my hands and she was giggling so hard I was worried she couldn't breath.

This is what I've wanted with Bellamy ever since I met him. He's the best husband and father I've ever known.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when someone rang the doorbell. I quickly put Aurora down and went to check who it was. I smiled when I realized that it was Octavia and Lincoln. I quickly let them in and I gave Octavia the biggest, tightest hug I could. I missed her so much. I knew that it had only been a month or two because they went on a long trip but it still felt like forever. I smiled when Jake and Aurora quickly ran up and greeted little nine year old Milly as soon as they knew she was here. They loved her so much.

I quickly invited them in and Octavia's smiled at me and her brother as she quickly took a seat, probably super tired from the extra weight. Yup you heard right, she was pregnant again.

We talked for awhile, catching up when the doorbell rang again. I quickly excused myself and smiled again when I saw that it was Raven and Murphy. Yup! You heard me right. Raven and Wick didn't work out, Wick ended up moving away and they broke it off. It was hard for Raven for awhile but she got over him eventually. Somehow Murphy and Raven ended up getting close and eventually he asked her out and here they are now with a son. They lived only about three houses down and it was so great because our kids loved playing with their seven year old Liam. Aurora smiled and ran over to say hi to Liam. They were so close and it was so cute. I think Aurora had a little crush on Liam.

Eventually Miller and Bryan showed up with their three year old daughter Kate.

Jasper and Maya soon showed up with their four year old little boy Joey.

And finally Monty and Harper showed up with their new born baby girl Norah to complete our group.

It was so great to have the group back together again. We meet up every year to catch up and see how everyone is doing. I smiled as I rubbed my stomach and turned to Bellamy to see that he was already looking at me.

I then turned back to the group of our high school friends and their children and I was so happy that this is how it turned out. I smiled and said
"I have an announcement." That sure got everyone's attention
"I would like to tell you all that I am pregnant again" everyone cheered and smiled and it was so great.

I was having a third child with the love of my life and I was so happy. When I moved after my dad died never in a million years would I have thought that I would have married the rebel bad boy and had children with him but now I wouldn't change a thing.

I mean yeah I would of wanted my dad to be here to see how my life had turned out but I couldn't have changed anything. He died and that was something that had to happen for me to meet these people.

Bellamy nudged my side and asked
"Whatcha thinking about?" I smiled and said
"Just how lucky I am. How happy I am with the way everything turned out" he smiled and said
"Yeah I'm pretty happy about that to" I smiled and kissed him.

Yup. Wouldn't change a thing.

May we meet again (a Bellarke fan fiction) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin