Chapter 8

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Bellamy's POV:

Morning came before I knew it,
I woke up smiling. I just couldn't seem to stop. I got ready for school and headed out for school. This time I am by myself Octavia said she is gonna be picked up by a friend, I don't like the sound of the way Octavia said "friend" I knew she was talking about Lincoln but I didn't care right now I just wanted to see Clarke.

I pulled in to the school only to see Clarke standing waiting for me. This put yet another grin one my face why can't I stop doing that. I walk up to her and kissed her but this time she pulled away from me.

I'm so confused right now, she pulled me into the girls bathroom and told me all about her crazy ex and how he is here and all I could do was just sit there. She walked out and I gave myself a minute to let myself calm down and I walked out.

I decided to go try and find her to talk about what she had just told me. As I search for Clarke someone tackles me and starts punching me I figured it was her ex because she told me to keep a look out for him.

I had no chance of getting up, I tried, I flipped around and held his arms down. I didn't want to beat him up Clarke probably wouldn't want that. He then spit in my face and flipped back around, he started punching me again when Clarke ran up kicking him hard. Then finishing it up by punching him in the face

So much for not hurting him

After he finally wandered off she helped me up. She brought me back in the bathroom not saying a word.

Clarke got a napkin and wet it, she started dabbing at my face, the silence was killing me. As she dabbed I couldn't help but wince, she stopped for a minute and she started crying I grabbed her face and kissed her it hurt like hell but I didn't care, she jumped up on top of me and we started making out until she grabbed my cheeks and I winced she pulled away, smiled and continued dabbing my face.

A few minutes later she grabbed my arm and helped me down from the counter, we walked out and we went to the nurse and told her we were leaving and she was taking me home and then we left.

Clarke's POV:

I took Bellamy back to his house and helped him get into bed I laid down with him and we watched TV for the rest of the day. I had to text my mom, she would kill me if I didn't ask first. So I asked if I could stay with him tonight I told her everything about Finn and she agreed as long as there was no funny business.

When I thought he was asleep I started to move to the floor he wrapped his arms around me and said
"please don't leave me princess, stay" I smiled and whispered in his ear
"fine but nothing is happening we are just sleeping ok?" He smiled
"I know" he said pulling me in closer I couldn't help but smile.

I woke up laying on his bare chest I smiled as I tried to get up without waking him, I was gonna make breakfast for him and Octavia. I tried to slide out but he tightened his grip
"stay, just a little longer" he said
"nope I have to get up but you stay in bed I'll be back soon" I say sliding out so he lets go
"fine but I'm going back to sleep" I smiled and walked away
"ok rebel" he sits up and smiles
"well that's a new nickname" I turn around
"do you like it or do you like Babe or Bell better?" I ask, he smiles
"I like it but I think Babe is the best one for an all time base and maybe rebel every once in a while" he smiles
"so you don't like Bell?" I ask he smiles and says
"well I like Bell but that's what my sister calls me so..." He laughs
"oh ok" I smile blushing and walk out.

I go downstairs and start making pancakes as Octavia and Lincoln walk out
"Octavia he needs to stop staying over your gonna get him killed, Bellamy let you two date but he is not gonna approve of this" she smiles and says
"you're probably right" she pushes him out the door and he stopped the door with his foot and kisses her nose, I smile and Octavia walks back to me and sits down. She is frowning so I ask
"are you ok?" She walks over to me and says
"is Bell still sleeping?" I nodded my head
"um I'm pregnant" she says as she starts crying I grab her arms and shake her
"Bellamy is coming down soon so you need to calm down and get dressed we will figure it out" I say as she stops crying she goes up and gets dressed and comes back down
"have you told Lincoln yet?" She shook her head
"I'm scared that he will be mad and leave me" I grabbed her and she stopped
"we can figure it out Lincoln is a good guy he wouldn't leave you" she smiled.

I headed up to Bellamy's room and he was sleeping, he was so calm and I was sad that I had to wake him up instead of jumping in with him, I leaned over him and kissed his lips he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me on top of him and he smiled, I pulled back and said
"I can't kiss you if your smiling, I'm kissing your teeth not your lips" he laughs as I get off of him and ask him
"how is your face?" He smiles
"better, I can kiss you without wincing so I'm better" I frown
"I'm so sorry about Finn I should have warned you earlier" he pulls me in and kisses me
"It's not your fault" he says I smile and say
"I know I just feel guilty" he stands up and picks me up so I jump out of his arms
"hey just yesterday you got beat up and now your picking me up? No you need to take it slow" he smiles and says
"party pooper" as he picks me up again and spins this time.

He puts me down and we walk downstairs to eat, Octavia is already there and Lincoln walks in just now as if he hadn't been here earlier, Bellamy gives him a bro hug and they sit down.

Octavia and Lincoln have been dating for as long as I can remember, I guess when I got here they were already together.

Octavia stares at me as if I was gonna tell them both now.

I say
"so we should eat fast, school starts soon" we all eat really fast, like pigs almost, Bellamy and I both laugh as we all get in a car and Bellamy drives us to school I'm in the passenger seat and Octavia and Lincoln in the back.

We reach school and Octavia pulls me aside and asks
"when should we tell the boys?" I then tell her
"I think we should tell Bellamy first and together, he will freak out less
and then "you" will go tell Lincoln" she didn't like the idea of telling Lincoln alone but she knew it was a better idea to be just her and him.

May we meet again (a Bellarke fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now