Chapter 20

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Bellamy's POV:

We got home and I told Clarke to get ready because I was taking her out on a date. She smiled and ran up the stairs to get dressed. I smiled and put on the suit that I had picked out. I pulled the box out of my suit pocket and opened it up, I smiled down at the diamond ring and quickly closed it and put it back in my pocket before she walked back in the room and ruined the whole surprise.

While Clarke was still getting ready I walked downstairs and over to O and asked her
"Are you sure it's not too early? What if she doesn't want to Mary me? Is my outfit ok? Should I change?" I was freaking out. She smiled and said
"It's not too early, she will want to Mary you, your outfit is fine, it doesn't really matter but I think I liked the other one you brought better" I ran back up the stairs and quickly changed into the one O was talking about.

I ran back down the stairs and asked O
"Is this better?" She laughed and said
"I never thought I would see you this worried" I smiled and said
"Yeah, she's changed me" O smiled and nodded
"Yeah she has"

Clarke then walked into the room in a beautiful dress that fit her curves perfectly, I smiled and said
"You look perfect" she blushed and replied
"You don't look too bad yourself" with a wink.

I grabbed her arm and said to Octavia
"We'll be back later, night O" and we started walking to the door. I looked back at Octavia and saw her give me a big smile with a thumbs up.

I was going to propose to Clarke and I was freaking out.

We got in the car and Clarke asked
"When are you finally gonna tell me where we are going?" I smirked and asked
"What do you think?" She sighed and replied with
"No" I laughed and grabbed her hand with my right hand as I drove with my left
"Hey, stop stressing, we'll get there soon. Calm down" she sighed again and said
"Fine" with a pouty face as she crossed her arms over her chest.

I laughed and thankfully it was a red light because I kissed her pouty lips making her smile. Anytime she pouted I just had to kiss her, she was just too cute not to.

She was now smiling which was good, it was keeping my mind off of how I was going to propose. I was freaking out, I didn't even know if she was ready to get married.

She looked over at me and asked
"Are you ok? You're being really quiet" I smiled and said
"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking" she nodded but I could tell she didn't fully believe me, and who could blame her, I was sweating like a pig.

We finally pulled into the restaurants parking lot and I walked around and opened her door for her, she smiled at me and got out of the car.

I draped my arm over her shoulders as we walked up to the fancy restaurant. She smiled and asked
"Why so fancy?" I smirked and asked
"What? I can't have a fancy date with my girlfriend without having an occasion?" She laughed and said
"No seriously, why so fancy?" I laughed as well and said
"Well I figured it's a mix of celebrating Lincoln and O's engagement and the end of our beach trip. You can move into my house soon and yeah, it's just a mix of everything" I wasn't completely lying, all of that was something to celebrate it just wasn't why we were here, we were here because I was going to propose to the woman I love.

I smiled at her and she smiled back but it seemed strained, like she was hiding something. I ignored it and went up to the front and told them my last name for the reservations, the waiter nodded and he took us to a table in the back corner by the window.

I pulled the chair out for Clarke and she sat down, I then sat beside her. I was still freaking out but not as much, I had calmed down a bit because of the amazing woman in front of me.

We ordered and then talk about random things while waiting for our food.
"Come on, I totally won the war" I laughed at her and said
"That's a lie, did you not forget the kiss I gave you before prom? That was the best idea ever" she laughed and said
"Yeah that was good but I got you a bunch. What about my orange juice prank, that was a good one. I can't believe you didn't see that coming" I laughed again and I could hardly breath form all of the laughing I was doing
"No way, you might have gotten me with a prank I should have seen coming but it totally backfired when you got orange juice all over yourself as well" she nodded and said
"True but what about that trick at the beach earlier today? I got you pretty well" I laughed at the memory.
"Yeah and that backfired too" she furrowed her eyebrows and asked
"How?" I smirked and said
"You ended up losing your bathing suit bottoms" she blushed and said
"Oh yeah" she then crossed her arms and pouted.

Gosh she was hot when she did that, I laughed and said
"How about we tie? It's a win win" she smiled and nodded like a child that was told that Christmas was tomorrow. I laughed and kissed her, we pulled away though when I heard someone clear their throat

"Sorry sir, ma'am but your food is here" the waiter said with a blush on his cheeks, we laughed and I could tell Clarke was blushing furiously. The waiter dropped our food off and left to tend to another table.

After we ate I decided it was time to propose, I was scared but I was also super happy, I couldn't wait.

I looked at Clarke and said
"Hey Clarke, princess, I am completely and totally in love with you and I know this is soon but I just can't wait anymore so I was wondering-" I was cut off when I reached into my pocket and realized that the ring wasn't there. I was thinking in my head how I was going to get out of this without her finding out. I must have left the ring in my other suit
I'm going to kill O for having me change!
She looked at me with a raised eyebrow and asked
"You were wondering about what?" I thought for a moment and then asked
"I was wondering when you were gonna move in, I mean you don't have to but I figured it would be awesome if you did and O wouldn't care because she's going to live with Lincoln soon so yeah" I finished my rambling as I tried to calm down. It's fine, I can just propose some other time, it won't be as romantic but it'll be fine. As long as she says yes it'll be perfect.

I finally payed attention to her again to see she was debating something in her head when I finally asked
"What's been going on with you?" She looked up at me as if she had forgot I was even here.
"What do you mean?" She asked me as if she was clueless when I knew she knew exactly what I was talking about
"You've been zoning out a lot recently and you don't seem as happy. What's wrong? "

Clarke's POV:

He knew something was up and I couldn't keep it from him anymore, I sighed and finally decided that I was going to tell him. I was going to tell him that I'm moving away.

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