Chapter 3

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Clarke's POV:

The stranger that had helped find my classes walked off too get food and I turned to Octavia.
"So you know that guy?" I asked rolling my eyes as he hit on like three girls on his way to the line for food. She laughed and nodded.
"That's Bellamy, my brother. And I see that you too have already bumped into each other. Did he hit on you?" Octavia said smirking at me. I nodded and shook my head not sure how this sweet girl and that guy could be related. But then as I looked her over and then glanced at Bellamy trying not to realize how attractive I found him I could see they looked very alike. He turned around as though sensing I was looking at him and winked; my face turned bright red and I immediately glanced away.

I turned to Octavia to find her smiling as she had noticed my staring at her brother.
"So you like him huh?" She asked and I turn redder then should be possible and reply faster than I should have.
"It's okay, a lot of girls do, but I wouldn't get involved. He is my brother and I love him but I also know him and you seem like a nice girl. Let me tell you this much he isn't one that settles down, he always has a side chick so I would suggest staying away" Octavia said her eyes filled with warning. I frowned, it was pretty obvious even in the way he held himself and talked. Although for some reason hearing her say that made me want to look at him more. It was stupid. I am stupid but maybe after breaking up with my longtime boyfriend a bit of crushing after a no-way guy was okay. Soon he walked back and sat right beside me. I tried to ignore him but it made it hard as he kept 'accidentally' touching me. Flirting wasn't something I had much experience in but I could tell he was hitting hard on me. I felt my pulse speed a bit up at one point when his leg brushed against mine. This was stupid he was just a hot guy with a big mouth and I needed to stop thinking about him.

I slid farther away from him.
"Are you okay Princess?" He asked a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips because he knew exactly what he was doing.
"First of all do not ever call me that again, second off I am perfectly fine" I said biting back from saying more to his to perfect face. A couple more people sit down at the table. And I turned to meet them all.

Octavia started introducing me "first off everybody this is Clarke" She said and everybody waved and smiled. "This is Raven" She said pointing to a girl with long dark hair.
"Raven is dating Wick" Octavia said motioning to a guy with white hair that had his arm tightly wrapped around Raven.
"And then there is Jasper and he's with Maya" She said pointing at a guy with goggles who was laughing with a pale girl. They seemed very sweet together.
"Then Monty" Octavia said smiling and punching the shoulder of a tall Asian guy.
"And my favorite Lincoln" Octavia said winking at me then kissing the man to her left. He had a dark tattoo on his arm that I couldn't quite read. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close and I blushed glancing away. That was a bit much for me. I stood up and shook all of there hands and sat back down. Bellamy winked at me then headed off to another table. I ignored the slight disappointment that shot though me. Although soon I totally forgot about him and was having a blast with the whole group.

Jasper and Monty were really funny making me laugh throughout all of lunch. Raven was nice and seemed very smart and sassy. Maya was shy but after a couple moments we talked and I seemed to connect well with her, she seemed the most girly out of the group. Lincoln and Octavia didn't talk much throughout lunch (bet you can guess why) and I could tell Wick was the type of guy that teases everyone but was actually the softest out of the group. Right as we were starting to pack up Bellamy walked over to Octavia and whispered something to her. Then without saying a word to anybody else he walked away.
"Hey so Bellamy is throwing a party tonight do you guys want to come?" She asked and they all nodded. I shrugged; why not? It seemed like a good thing to start off with my new friends.

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