Chapter 25

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Clarke's POV:
One week before the wedding

I sighed as I walked into my house after school to see that my mom was sitting on the couch looking at me. I raised an eyebrow and asked
"Yes?" She smiled at me and said
"Come sit honey" I said a quick 'ok' and sat down beside my mom. She then said
"I know that you don't like all of the moving but we are gonna move one more time. Hopefully not again for another few years" my breath hitched in my throat
"Where are we moving to?" I asked her as I tried to calm my breathing. I couldn't handle moving even further away from O and Bellamy. I couldn't do it. I wouldn't do it. I missed them all so much.
"Back to the last place. This job was great and they decided to move me back but I get another raise so we can move back to where your friends are. Isn't that great?" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and nodded with a smile on my face
"That's amazing" I replied to my mother
"When are we leaving?" Her smile grew as she said
"In about a week. I figured if you're gonna go back there for your friends wedding why not just stay there and I'll join you later that night. I already got our old house back because we couldn't get it to sell so it'll be just like old times" I faked a smile and nodded
"Just like old times" I mumbled. But that's the thing, it won't be 'just like old times' because me and Bellamy aren't together anymore. I knew that he said he would wait for me but I never thought that he would. I mean who would want me? Who would say no to all of the girls in our school just so when one girl gets back he can be with her again? That just sounds like a dream. It's not real.

He probably hated me now. He hated me for leaving him.

I sighed and walked upstairs to call Octavia
"Hey Clarke. I can't wait until my wedding it'll be so much fun. Aahhhhh" I pulled my phone away from my ear as she screamed
"Wow. Can I talk for a minute? I have good news" she laughed and said
"Yeah sure" I smiled at the thought of being with her again. Going to school with my best friend. Having sleepovers with her again. It all sounded perfect.
"I'm...uh...moving week" she squealed and I had to pull my phone away from my ear again
"He actually does homework now?" She laughed and said
"Yeah. Weird, I know" I laughed and said
"Ok well I have to go pack but I'll see you in a few days ok?" She said a quick ok and I was about to hang up when I realized something and quickly said
"And you can't tell Bellamy about this. I want to tell him myself" she sighed and said
"Fine I won't tell him" I smiled and said
"Thanks. I love you girl, I'll see you in a few days!" she replied and we hung up.

I get to go home.

I didn't think I was going to be able to go home for another few months but here I am. Going back to my home where my best friend and the love of my life were. It was weird calling it home, I was only there for a few months but it felt like home, I don't even think about going back to where I grew up.

I mean yeah I had a lot of memories there but it was no longer home. My home was with Bellamy, and I was gonna go home soon.

It's funny how just a few months ago I thought I was never going to be happy again. After my father died I never thought I would smile, but after I moved and met Bellamy and Octavia and all of the others I can't seem to stop smiling.

I mean yeah, I still cry sometimes when I think about how I'm never going to see my dad again and that he'll never get to walk me down the isle or spoil my children.

But I'm finally happy, well on the most part. I still miss my dad and I wish he was still alive. I understand that when I get home it's not just going to go back to normal with Bellamy because I broke up with him but I can still have hope.

Hope that Bellamy was telling the truth when he said he would wait for me. I've asked Octavia so much about Bellamy but she said that she wouldn't tell me anything until I let her tell him that she was talking to me regularly and I wasn't going to let that happen because then he would want to talk to me and I wasn't ready yet.

I needed to figure out what I was going to say to him when I see him at Octavia's wedding. So I never knew anything about Bellamy so I'm still freaking out wondering how it's gonna turn out when I see him next week.

I sighed and muttered to myself as I rubbed my growing headache
"Why does life have to be so complicated?"

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