Chapter 16

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Clarkes POV:

I made Bellamy leave the house until tonight because I didn't want to hide in the bathroom all day or him have his eyes closed all day.

Around 6:00 me and Octavia did our lipgloss and I decided to bring mine in my purse for when Bellamy messes it up (and that was a when not if) we got our dresses on and by 6:30 the boys came to pick us up.

Bellamy's POV:

Around 6:30 the girls texted us saying that they were ready to be picked up and I was so happy. I didn't want to wait on more minute. We drove up and opened the door, they were hiding I think in the bathroom in the back.

Octavia came out first and I smiled she looked so grown up and beautiful then Clarke came out and I gasped. She looked so beautiful, I couldn't believe I had gotten a girl like her. She was perfect.

She smiled and blushed. I took her hand and said
"You look like a real princess" and I leaned down to kiss her hand. She started laughing. We walked back out to the car and I drove us to the school.

We walked in. Me and Clarke started dancing to all of the songs, I picked her up and spun around. Slowly lowering her when her mouth reached mine I pulled her even closer.

We stood there in the middle of the dance floor making out, she pulled away and said
"I'm gonna go get some punch do you want some?" I said yes and she walked away and I followed her once she reached the table I kissed her neck she turned around and said
"Do you want punch or what?" I smiled and nodded I walked over to a table and sat down waiting for Clarke.

She walked up and sat down with me she whispered in my ear
"I'm gonna go reapply my lipgloss" she started to walk away when I spun her around and said
"Why would you do that?" She smiled and said
"Because you messed it up" I laughed and kissed her then pulled away
"But I'm just gonna mess it up again" she grinned and said
"You're probably right" we walked over to Octavia and Lincoln and they were dancing to a slow song and all I could think about was my baby sister growing up, she smiled at me and I smiled back.

I then turned to Clarke and said
"Would you like to dance my lady?" She smiled and took my hand, we started dancing and we didn't stop all night.

Clarks's POV:

Bellamy and I had been dancing all night pretty much, I wanted to keep dancing but my feet started to hurt and he saw that so he picked me up and spun I smiled to him and whispered in his ear
"I love you" he smiled and put me down and said
"Do you want to take a break?" I smiled and nodded. We walked back to our table and I checked my phone, it was already 10:30 the prom was ending at 11:00 I was sad it was almost over but there was still one thing left. Prom king and queen.

The principle walked up and started announcing as he grabbed the note and said
"prom king goes to Bellamy Blake" everyone started clapping, Bellamy started walking up the stage and the man continued
"and prom queen goes to Clarke Griffen " I smiled and blushed I walked up to Bellamy and he kissed me, I was so happy.

We walked down and started dancing to the prom king and queen song. After the dance we all left to the car.

Bellamy's POV:

The girls fell asleep in the back as we drove, I looked back at Clarke sleeping as she laid on Octavia's shoulder and I smiled, god I love that girl.

We pulled in and we tried to put the girls into their beds without waking them, it worked for most of the time until I bumped Clarke's head into the door frame, she winced and looked up confused, I smiled and said
"Go back to bed princess" she smiled and laid back down on my chest.
I laid Clarke down on the bed and crawled in with her, she smiled as I put my arms around her and pulled her in close.

Clarke's POV:

I woke up to the smell of bacon and I realized I was still in my dress so I ran into the bathroom and changed into Bellamy's shirt and a pair of pj shorts. I removed my makeup that was everywhere and I put my hair into a ponytail because my hair was going crazy. I had a small bruise on my forehead and was very confused as to how it got there
"Weird" I said to myself.

I walked down stairs to see everyone was already up and dressed I asked what time it was and Bellamy ran up to me and said
"11" as he picked me up and spun, I was very surprised to hear that it was eleven. I ask Bellamy
"Are you sure the clock is right? And why does my head hurt?" Bellamy started to laugh and then blush he started to talk as I rubbed a bump on my head
"I hit your head on the door frame coming into our room" I laughed as I punched his arm and said
"Well now I have two things to get you back for" he smiled and said
"I can't wait."

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