The Aftermath

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This is the last chapter. Thanks for reading cx


I woke up in a bed. A hospital bed. I sat up. The strange thing was, I had no IVs. No wires or tubes were attached to my body. I was still in my raggedy clothes. My bloody and dirty face was still there. The last thing I remembered was Mikey. His crying face. I think I died. But if I did, where am I?

"That's easy darling. You're in heaven. Welcome sweetie." A mans voice said.

"Gerard!" I exclaimed.

I ran into his arms and he picked me up and swung me around.

"How did I get here?" I asked.

"Well when you die, you go to a blank room. Completely blank. Nothing. Until the others arrive. You were my other. I'm glad you finally came." He replied.

Well I was happy to be there with him. The love of my life. Gerard Way.

"Shit." I said out loud.

"What?" Gerard asked.

"What about the others?" I asked.

"They're celebrating your life right now. Mikey is dragging himself around while your brother can barely get out of bed. Frank is what keeps him going. Frank and Noah got really close. They're like brothers. Ray is trying to keep up with Mikey. It's been hard for him. Losing a brother and a friend. A good friend too. He's been thinking about suicide, but it's Noah that really keeps him alive. He reminds Mikey of you. They've got a new mission. Oh, and Noah's going to training too. Their new mission is to save a distressed teenager. Like you were." he said.

"I was not distressed!" I snapped back at him. "I had control of the situation!"

He laughed and I laid my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me.

"This surely is heaven. Now that we're together. I love you Cece." he said.

"I love you too."

And with that, we all moved on from war. We were at peace finally. We had finally been put to peace. There was one more thing Gerard said before he talked to me at all here,

"Welcome to the black parade."

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