Chapter One: The Attack

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Chapter One

It was a stormy night when the attack happened. My brother woke me up crying from the thunder. He told me he was scared. He still thought it was actual thunder. But I knew better. I knew it was gunshots from those monsters. The ones that took my mother's life. I pulled him into my bed and set him under the covers.

After we fell asleep together, I awoken with a large BANG! I sat straight up as I heard the voices. I jumped out of bed quietly and grabbed the gun that my dad gave me right before he left. I cautiously snuck by the door. I think the people heard me because they stopped talking. I heard footsteps. "Frank, stop moving!", someone whispered. "I think there's someone in there...", replied someone else. I cracked my door a bit to see 4 men standing there. Each was holding a flashlight.

I quickly shut my door and locked. The black Led Zeppelin hoodie with my orange basketball shorts were the only things I had on. That, and my shell necklace and bright orange CITIZEN bracelet. "Shit...", I said, "Noah, we have to leave." I shook my 11 year old brother awake. "Is it already morning?", he asked groggily. I pulled him out of bed and told him to grab a hoodie. He did as I said without any questions. I grabbed as much as I could. My CD player, ammo, a few extra outfits for me and Noah, and money. I opened the window right as my bedroom door was knocked down.

I pushed Noah out of the way and he crawled under the bed. The 4 men I saw standing before me was something I couldn't process right away. I raised my gun and said, "Take one more step and you die." They raised their guns and the most noticeable one said, "We could say the same to you." He had bright red hair and a yellow mask on. The others had naturally colored hair. I didn't have much room to talk about noticeable hair, speaking that mine is hot pink. He said, "Put your gun down or we will shoot."

I quickly put my gun down on the bed next to me. "Do you know what's going on outside?", the man farthest left asked. "There's a thunderstorm.", I replied. I knew that was the wrong answer. "Incorrect. There's an attack from BLI.", said the shortest man who was about 5 foot 2 inches. Shit. "We're here to save who's left. May I see your bracelet?" I gave him my wrist and he studied my orange CITIZEN bracelet. He said, "Lets go. We'll take you somewhere safe." The man with the bright red hair took my hand and asked if I was alone. "No... My brother is here", I said. "Well grab him and we'll leave.", he said softly. I grabbed Noah's hand as we walked out of the door with these strange men. There were tons of people fleeing their homes in my small town. Not surprising at all. They were getting into cars and leaving. That's when I saw John getting into a blue car. When I saw him, he saw me. John was my cousin. He looked me right in the eyes as a bullet pierced the passenger side window and flew towards him.

I asked the 4 men to stop, but the black haired man said, "We need to get you two out of here."

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