Chapter 5: His Girl

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"Gerard fell in love with a girl we were taking care of.", Frank started the story out, "She didn't love him back though. He was devastated. He ended up trying to commit suicide. It almost tore our team apart. It was horrible. She ended up leaving, she left her little brother with us. I'm her little brother.", He finished. "Frank, I'm so sorr-" "It's okay. I got over it really quick. Just don't break his heart.", He quickly replied. "I won't.", I promised Frank. Frank walked off leaving me alone.  Alone.  I walked into the room Gerard was in.  "Hey Gee, you almost ready to go?", I asked while opening the door.  "Yeah, just a few more things he said.  I couldn't see him in the room.  It sounded like he was in the closet.  "Gee? Why are you in the closet?", I asked beginning to move toward the closet.  I whipped open the door to find Gerard crying with an open bottle of pills next to him.  

I freaked out.  "What happened?!", i screamed.  I didn't want to lose him.  I pulled him out of the closet and hugged him.  "Gerard!",  Frank came in screaming along with Mikey and Ray behind him.  "What did I tell you?!", he screamed at me.  Gerard pushed them out and closed the door.  You could hear Frank talking to Ray and Mikey outside.  "Why?", is all i could manage to get out.  "I love you.", he said.  I got confused.  I pulled him in for a long hug.  "I love you too Gee.",  I said.  He buried his head into my shoulder and I made him promise not to do anything like this again.  He said he doesn't make promises.  "Is life even worth living?", he asked me.  "If I lost you, mine wouldn't.", i replied.  We laid down on the bed together and he fell asleep.  

Frank barged in, like he always does.  "It's time to go.", he said.  I woke Gerard up and we crawled out of bed together.  I wanted him to sit next to me, but he let Noah sit in the middle.  Noah fell alsleep in the car and put his head on my shoulder.  We were in the car all night.  We made very few pit stops.  I got to sit next to Gerard about halfway through the ride there.  He held my hand and acted like nothing happened.  He was so perfect though.  His vibrant red hair, his caramel colored eyes, everything.  I knew i fell for him hard.  I didn't mind it though.   I looked down at his wrist and saw a few scars. 

I knew what they were from.  When i was still going to school i was bullied a lot and did it.  Self harm, is what it was.  I had the same scars going up and down my arms, legs, and sides.  I'm past that phase though.  It was hard at first, but i did it for Noah.  It was definitely the hardest part of my life so far.  I knew that it would be hard worrying about myself and Noah after my mother passed away.  We were at the last pit stop when there were a few soldiers.  I reconized some of the voices talking.  The man and the woman in the shack.  They saw the car and started running toward us.  Noah said, "See you on the battlefield!" and jumped out of the car.  

I tried to hold him back but couldn't.  He ran to the man and woman and they grabbed him and took him away.  I knew i couldn't stop them, but i had to try!  I jumped out the door and ran after them.  Gerard soon caught up with me and grabbed my hand.  "We can't stop them!", he screamed at me.  "We have to try! Please Gerard, he's my only family left!", i pleaded.  "No, we have to go!", he grabbed my hand and led me back to the van.  He had to drag me into the van and we left as soon as the door was closed.  I cried when we got to the next shack.  This one wasn't as beat up as the others.  It was comfortable.  We went straight to bed when we got there.  

I woke up and Gerard wasn't laying next to me.  I went to the kitchen to find a note that said: Sorry CeCe, we had to give up on this mission.  We lost Noah and that was the only reason we were here.  Gerard said he doesn't love you like he did yesterday.  Sincerely, The Killjoys.  I fell onto my knees and cried.  I couldn't believe it.  "Wake up!", i woke up from the nightmare to Gerard's worried face.  "We have to leave.  They may give us Noah back if we go to BLI."

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