Chapter 6: Better Living Inc.

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So i agreed. I just wanted my brother back. I fell asleep on Gerard's shoulder until we got to BLI. I couldn't believe how much I'd fallen for him in only a few days. He shook me awake and gave me a leather jacket to put on. "It'll be cold in there.", He said calmly. The way he said it sent shivers down my spine. He pulled the van door open. And handed me a yellow and red gun. "You may need it. Be safe.", He said as he grabbed my hand and led tinted glass foot of BLI.

"I'm scared Gee.", I said. "It'll be alright.", he comforted me. "I love you.", I whispered to him. "I love you too.", he calmly whispered back with a smile. He's done this before. He went up to the front desk, raised his gun to the woman's head and said, "I'm here for Noah." "Ah yes. Mr. Way. Follow me!", she said completely calm. She led us into an all white room with Noah chained to the center. "Cece!", he yelled as he attempted to get up. The chains restrained him and he fell back to the ground. "Welcome.", A mans voice said. He walked into the room and patted Noah's head. He was pale, almost as white as the walls. He was wearing a black suit with a white under shirt and a few ruffles. He looked like a vampire. "What's the deal you called me about?", Gerard asked. "Ah yes, the deal. You give me the girl, to marry, and you'll get Noah back.", he said softly. The man strode over to me and said, "What is your name my fair maiden?" I spat on his face and said, "Fuck off and give me Noah!" You could see the corners of Frank's mouth curving up giving me a smile and thumbs up. Gerard grabbed my arm and said, "No way. It just happens to be that i'm in love with this woman!" He pulled me close and passionately kissed me. He pulled away and dragged me into the hallway.

"I can't let you marry someone like him!", Gerard yelled. "I have to save my brother!", I retorted. You could see the tears starting to build up in his eyes. "I understand. I'd do the same for Mikes.", he said softly. "But I'm not gonna do it. I have a plan.", I replied. His lips curved upwards into a smile as I whispered into his ear my plan. We walked back into the room. "Deal or no deal?", the vampire man asked. "No-" I cut Gerard off "Deal.", I walked forward. He unchained Noah. Noah gave me a quick hug and ran into Franks arms. Him and Frank had gotten very close. He took my hand and led me into a room and whole I wasn't looking, put a rope around my neck. "Gerard! Help me!", I yelped. You could hear the pattering of feet coming towards the room and Gerard busting through the door. But it was too late. The vamp had dragged me off somewhere else. Gerard ran through the hallways of mirrors calling my name every once in a while. Me and the vamp had reached the end of the hallway where we were met by Gerard. The vamp let go of me and I ran to Gerard's protecting embrace. I was crying. Who wouldn't be? I had almost lost my life.

Gerard stroked my hair as he comforted me. "I love you.", He whispered softly into my ear. "I forgot my gun.", He said calmly. The vamp reached down to his hip and pulled out a gun. He aimed it right at Gerard and I. "Shall I pull the trigger?", he asked with a grin. That's when... "Put the gun down motherfucker.", Noah said. Frank, Ray, and Mikey were all behind him. Noah had Franks gun and held it up to the man's head. He turned, placed his gun on the ground and put his hands up. He had a scowl on his face as he said, "You may have gotten away this time, but mark my words, i will find you. Keep running." We ran out of the building as fast as we could, Gerard holding my hand. We ran into the van and Frank started the car. We drove for hours without stopping. Gerard fall asleep on my lap. I laid my head on the window and started drifting off. I woke up and we were parked in a garage. I woke up Gerard and Frank led us into the building.

Gerard led me into a room and sat me on the bed. He sat down in front of me and said, "We need to talk." I got a little worried, but who wouldn't? I could be losing the man I loved. He saw the worry wash over my face and grabbed my hand. He smiled, but it quickly faded away. "I'm leaving.", He said. It felt as if someone punched me in the gut. "What?", Is all I could manage to get out. "I was assigned to a different team. In another country. They're sending me out tomorrow. That's why we're here.", He said calmly. Tears filled my eyes and my nose started to sting. The tears fell out and he pulled me in for a long embrace. He stroked my head and i sobbed into his shoulder. I just lost the man i loved.

Frank came in because he probably heard me crying. "Did you tell her?", he asked Gerard. Gerard nodded. I looked up, my nose stuffy and my eyes red. Seeing Frank made me tear up even more. They flowed freely and I felt as if my heart were being ripped out of my chest. I couldn't deal with it. I broke free of Gerard's grip and ran downstairs. Noah was sitting at the table and asked, "What's wrong?". I ignored him. I ran straight out of the front door. I couldn't take it anymore. There was a lake down the road. I walked down there and sat on the shore. It was late November, so it was chilly. It was coming near my 17th birthday. November 30th. I was hoping Gerard would stay long enough to celebrate it with me. But he had to leave. I heard rustling in the bushes and turned around. I saw Mikey walk out. He was wearing a red leather jacket, skinny jeans, and converse. He usually wore something like that. He sat next to me. He looked a little like Gerard. "Hey.", He said. "Hi." I replied. I didn't know what to say. I felt like crying again. I felt the tears come out and he brought me in for a hug. I couldn't take it. I had to let it out. I told him something I've never told anyone. I trust Mikey.

"Mikey, I love Gerard. I love him with all my heart. I have ever since me and him first met. He's just perfect. When I found out he was leaving, I was sad. Sad enough to die. I came down here to kill myself. I can't live without him. Please don't tell any others.." I said. I was leaning on his shoulder and he was stroking my head like Gerard did. "I'm sad he's leaving to." was all he said. He brought my head up, revealing my watery eyes and messed up hair. It was starting to get dark. Mikey stared into my eyes. It felt as if he was looking to my soul. Reading my thoughts. He started to lean in, leaving a gap about a centimeter. He closed the gap and kissed me. He grabbed my waist and pulled my closer. Our lips molded together. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he pulled away after a while. He blushed and said, "I'm so sorry!" "I-I can't believe that just happened.", is all I could manage to get out. He got up and said, "I'll meet you back at the house. It's starting to get dark." I got up too and followed him through some bushes and down the street.


So I made the chapter a bit longer (: more will be like this one!


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