Chapter 8: The Fight

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Me and Mikey went to bed after talking about the randomest things. I love how I can be myself around Mikey. He's just so perfect. We woke up to Frank coming into the room in a rush. "Gerard was hurt in battle. He's in a coma." he said quickly. I shot up and jumped out of bed. Mikey was right behind me. We all ran to the van and jumped in. On our way to the hospital Gerard was at, I thought about things. Mikey tried to put his arm around me, but completely failed. He ended up hitting me in the head and cutting the back of my head with his nail. How nice. We got to the hospital and checked in. We noticed a few suspicious things walking through the halls. A few men in black suits and sunglasses and they were staring at us. "They know we're here." Frank whispered to Ray. Ray felt his belt for his gun. He found it and held on to it. We got to Gerard's room and I asked for a moment alone with him first. We all got our moments to be with him. The doctor said his wounds were almost fatal and that they would do everything they can. "Hey Gerard. I missed you when you were gone. It seemed like years, but it was only a few days. The doctor said you could die." A tear rolled down my face and I pushed some strand hair out if Gerard's face. "Mikey is becoming like you. He puts his arm around me in the car, well he tries to. He kisses me on the forehead before I go to sleep. But most of all, he says he loves me. Gerard, please come back home. I miss you. I love you. Well I'm gonna give the boys time with you. See you later, alligator."

I walked out of the room and Mikey came over to me. I sat down next to him on some cushy chairs and laid my head on his shoulder. He successfully put his arm around me this time. He wiped the tear off my face and kissed my forehead. We hear a loud bang down the hall and Ray and Frank bolted out of the room. Noah was still in there. Ray, Frank, and Mikey all pulled out their guns and started shooting the direction the bang came from. It was a moment before I felt a sharp pain going through my left shoulder. Mikey rushed over to me and picked me up in his arms. "What have you done?" he asked tears forming in his eyes. "Don't you fret, Mikey. I don't feel any pain at all. A little would like this can hardly hurt me now. You're here. That's all I need to know. And you will keep me safe, and you will hold me close. And eventually, I'll go home up above." I said softly. He replied with words I'll never forget, "But you'll live, I promise. If I could close your wounds with words of love! Please don't go!" "I love you." I said as my vision started fading. I could feel the coldness of the blood leaving my body. I could hear Mikey crying for someone to help me. The last thing I saw was Mikey's face. His wonderful face. The one that looked slightly like Gerard's. The one that made me laugh when I would cry. The one that made me feel better when I felt down. Mikey. I love him so much.


WELL THIS IS THE END!(: or is it?????? I made a reference from a broadway show in the midst of this final (or maybe not) chapter. If someone can guess what it's from, I'll make some more chapters huehuehue. Goodluck!

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