Chapter 4: Noah's Outburst

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He walked past us and his face got all red. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!?", he asked. Frank ran up to find me, Gerard, and Noah all together upstairs. "What happened?", he asked. Noah walked out. He ran into a room and locked the door. "We can't leave without him.", Frank said, "We'll have to wait. What even happened?" "We.... uhmmm...", I hesitated. "We kissed.", Gerard blurted out. "Really Gerard? You should know better than that.", Frank walked away the direction Noah went. "I'm sorry that happened. We should go back into the room now.", Gerard said before grabbing my hand and dragging me back into the room.

"We're staying here for a while, so se have all day together.", Gerard said and smiled. "I love you.", he said. My face went red and I was blushed hard. I didn't know what to say. I liked him a lot, but I didn't know if I loved him. But I said it anyways. "I love you too Gee.", I said, smiling. "Good.", He said as he grabbed my waist and pulled me in. Our lips connected and he pulled me closer. My hands ran through his soft hair and his ran down my back. He pulled away before I could.

We had heard something outside. A loud BANG! "We have to go!", Gerard grabbed my hand and we ran to the door. Someone or something was outstide banging on the door. "We're going to come in if you don't open this door right now!", someone yelled. Gerard pulled me down the hallway when we were met with an enraged Noah, Frank, Mikey, and Ray. "Where the hell have you been?!", Ray yelled. I knew we were in trouble. Frank lifted a floor board and we all climbed into a cellar.

So many questions went through my mind. 'Where are we? Why are we here? Why are all the boys so angry?' I couldn't help but grab Gerard's hand. He must have known I was worried. He gave me a reassuring squeeze and led me into another room. Mikey locked the door and we all huddled up in a corner together. I laid my head on Gerard's chest. I could hear his heart beat getting faster and faster. "Are you okay?", He asked me. "I'm fine.", I replied.

We started hearing footsteps. Gerard tightened his arm around me. "I'm scared.", I said. "Me too.", Gerard told me. He lifted my chin up, "Even if we die, at least we'll be together." He hugged me and I squeezed him. I felt something wet drip on my head. The footsteps stopped and I heard a man say, "There's someone beneath us. The floor is hollow." "It's probably just a basement.", a woman said. "Alright. This place is empty. I guess my suspicions were wrong.", he said. "We must keep looking for the Killjoys. They couldn't have gotten too far."

We heard a door open and close. "We gotta get out of here.", Frank said in a panic. He led up back upstairs and I got my bag and I met Noah outside. He gave me a dirty look and walked away. Gerard was getting his things and Frank was right in front of me. I asked, "Why is it a problem if Gee kissed me?" Frank replied, "Well it's a long story. Would you like to hear it?" "Of course."

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