Trust Issues

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"Baby, I can't lose you. I don't want to lose you, please don't leave me," Sam sobbed in your arms.

You rubbed his back as he buried his head into your arms.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere. Why do you think you're going to lose me?" you asked Sam.

"I just feel like it because I know there are millions of guys that are better than me and would treat you so much better. They'd be able to do so much more for you than I can."

"No, Sam. You have to understand that I'm always going to be here," you told him.

"(Y/n), I can't just take your word for it. I've been let down so much in my life. My mom left me, my exes left me, and my friends left me. I can't let someone in and open up if they're just going to leave. I want something permanent," Sam started to cry again. You felt the wet tears on your arm.

You lifted Sam's head by his chin and looked him in the eye. Tears were falling from his beautiful hazel eyes. You could see the heartbreak in them and it broke your heart.

"Samuel, I will never leave you. I don't care what the other people said. They lied. I would never lie to you and I would never think of leaving you. We have our ups and downs, but that's all relationships. I promise that you can take my word. I will never give up on us, no matter how hard it gets." you kissed him on the lips lightly.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

You stayed with Sam for the rest of the night. You laid your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat, which matched yours, ironically.

"(Y/n)..," you heard Sam's deep angelic voice.

"Yes?" you answered while rubbing his stomach.

"I just wanted to tell you that I hope you never leave me. I need you in my life. I really do. You're the one thing that I have, I can't lose that. I just hope that you love me like you say you do, babygirl," Sam said and then he squeezed you tightly in his arms like he was never going to let go.

"I won't ever leave you. I love you too much to ever do that. You mean everything to me. In nine short months we'll have a little Sam or little (Y/n) running around." you smiled, revealing the news to him.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" He shouted in excitement.

You nodded with a huge smile on your face. Sam pulled you face to his and kissed you long and hard.

"I can't wait, baby!" Sam projected loudly.

"Me neither. You'll be a good daddy," you told

"Hey, I'm already a good daddy to you," Sam made a sexual joke.

"Shut up!" you laughed.

Sam shrugged while laughing and kissed you once more before starting a movie that he'd been wanting to watch for awhile now.

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