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You looked around at the boxes filled in your apartment. You couldn't wait for your boyfriend, Sam, to come home. He has been deployed for almost six months now.

"Is that the last box, honey?" Your mom asked you as she came into the kitchen.

"Yeah." You place your hands on your hips and sighed.

"Let's get out of here?" Your mom suggested.

"Please. We should get going, I don't want to be late for Sam's arrival." You grabbed the big box filled of pictures of you and Sam that were around the house.

* * *

You arrived at the airport, looking all around for Sam. There were so many men in their uniforms, so you had to look at all of them to find out if the were Sam.

Your face fell as the last soldier walked towards his family. Where was Sam? He should be here.

"(Y/N)!!!" Sam shouted from across the airport.

You dropped you bag in the spot it was in and you held your hands over your mouth as you started to tear up. You ran all the way over to Sam and jumped into his arms.

"Sammy!" You cried into his neck. You rubbed the back of his head, where there was a thick patch of hair.

"(Y/n), baby, I've missed you so much!" Sam whispered into you ear.

"I've missed you too! I love you," you cried more and clutched Sam tightly.

He carried you all the way out to the car, picking up your purse on the way, with you attached to him.

"Did your mom drive?" He asked.

"Yes. She knew how much of a wreck I was going to be, so she insisted," you smiled as you detached from Sam and got into the back seat.

Sam got in and you sat in the middle. Sam interlocked your guys fingers and ran his thumb across your tiny knuckles.

You leaned your head into his chest and started to fall asleep like old times. Your head in his chest, and his arm around you, holding your hand.

* * *
The place was packed. It was a homecoming party that your family and Sam's planned for him. People were floating around, talking to Sam and you guys spent our time together.

"Hey, I have to go up on stage for a minute, they're having some problems," Sam kissed your forehead and left your side.

You stood there, watching Sam. He was finally home and it felt like a dream. He was by your side, holding you close again.

"(Y/n), it's our eight years um, today. We met in second grade and we're friends, but we were never more than that. After not being friends for two years, I liked you, not as a friend. As a freshman, all of my sophomore and junior friends were teasing me about you. I asked you out and thus came our journey. We went through high school together and you're ending college soon. I love you with all of my heart and I just want to let you know that. If you guys will all watch this clip that I have made of us, it would mean the world."

Your heart started beating rapidly as Sam finished his sentence. He started to play the video. It contains pictures and videos of you guys throughout your relationship. You held your hand to your heart as everyone cooed at the sight of the video.

"(Y/n), will you marry me?" Sam asked as the video finished.

You started to cry. You walked over to the stage and Sam helped you up. You nodded while saying 'yes' over and over again. Sam wrapped you into his arms and held you.

"I love you."

"I love you too," you replied. "I also have a surprise, but it's not as big. I bought you a dog."

"Aw babe," Sam kissed you.

Sam Wilkinson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now