Almost Lost

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They rolled you into a room that smelt of sanitizer and other cleaning supplies. You breathed out heavily, mentally preparing for the surgery that the nice team of surgeons were about to perform on you.

"It'll be okay, they are professionals," you said aloud to yourself.

"That's right," answered a nurse that has been checking your vitals all day.

"Thanks," you laughed a little.

"We're about to put you under. I'm going to need you to count backwards from ten with me," the nurse said.


"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four.." and by that time you were out.

Sam will be waiting for you when you get out. He will be excited to see your face and kiss your lips, as you will his.

* * *
Sam's POV
I paced back and forth waiting for news on (y/n). The love of my life was in the hands of surgeons. I guess you could call them the most trusted people on the planet.

People trust them with their loved ones. They let other human beings cut their loved ones open and try to fix them. What if they fail? Will they feel the loss too?

The blonde surgeon, named Dr. Kanden, I think, came rushing over to me. I hope she has good news.

"Mr. Wilkinson, I have some news on (y/n). The procedure was going well up until we were almost finished. Her vitals dropped and we were losing her, and still are. We are doing everything that we can to stabilize her," Dr. Kanden informed me.

I sighed and nodded with tears daring to spill out of my eyes. My girlfriend for eight years is in the operating room and there is nothing I can do to protect her. I can't fix her myself. I'm supposed to help her through the rough times and be there for her, but I can't be there. I can't hold her hand and tell her everything is going to be okay.

"Just go, go do your job and help her in the ways I can't," I dismissed Dr. Kanden.

Dr. Kanden nodded and sped walk off to where my girlfriend, (y/n), was losing her life.

* * *
(y/n)'s POV
You opened your eyes, knowing that the anesthesia might've worn off a couple of minutes or so ago. You reached to rub your eyes, but only one hand was free to do so.

You looked around my room and no one was in here. Where's Sam? Sam told you that he would be right next to you when you woke up. Is he okay?

Possibilities of the worst case scenario ran through your mind like ocean waves.

Did he go out and get into a car crash? Was he in a gun shooting? Did something happen to his mom, dad, or brother?

"Hey baby, you're awake." Sam rushed over to you and took your hand. "I'm sorry I wasn't in here when you woke up. I went to get some breakfast. You must be starving."

"I thought that something happened to you or your family. It scared me," you admitted.

"I'm not going anywhere and neither are they." Sam kissed your forehead and handed you a piece of taco pizza.

A nurse came in and started to laugh. "Taco pizza for breakfast. I like it!"

You smiled brightly and started to eat your favorite pizza.

"I thought I was going to lose you," Sam confessed with a frown on his face. "They almost lost you. I almost lost you. I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry."

You set your pizza down and looked at Sam.

"You protect me everyday of my life, Samuel. I couldn't thank you enough for it. I love you."

"I love you so much, (y/n)."

Sam smiled at you and kissed your lips. You were so familiar with his lips on yours. It felt like home. When he pulled back he smiled brightly at you and kissed your forehead.

"Don't ever scare me like that again. I don't want to lose you."

"I don't want to lose you either."

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