Too Short

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"Yes mom, I'll be right home after I get the stuff for the party," you told your worrying mother. She forgot to buy drinks and appetizers for the party that she was throwing, typical.

"Thank you so much, (y/n). I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You too, love you mom."

"I love you too sweetie."

You hung up and grabbed a cart to hold all of the items you were going to buy. Your mom only needed a few things, but you figured since you were going to be in your room most of the evening, you'd buy yourself some junk food.

You walked down an aisle, searching for ritz crackers and whatever else would be appetizing to thirty-five year old men and women.

You finally came up to see a bunch of snacks and what not. You looked up at the top rack for the only box of salted ritz crackers left.

You reached for it but couldn't get it. You stood on your tippy toes and still couldn't get it. A great five foot three and a half inches doesn't work many wonders when you're trying to reach something. You stepped on one of the bottom shelves and still had to reach to grab the box.

"Come here." you reached as high as you could. "Fuck."

"You need some help?" a guy with a fairly deep voice asked.

You turned around and looked at the guy who was towering over you. Fucking hell.

"Yeah, I need more than some help." you laughed and got off the bottom shelf.

The guy, with no trouble at all, extended his arm and grabbed the box. Lucky fucker.

"Could I borrow you for like fifteen minutes? My mom asked me to get some things for her party, and I can't reach half the things I'm buying," you finished.

"I guess." he laughed.

"Thanks. It's just that I'm so short and they usually put the stuff I want on the top shelves, go figure. And I can't reach that crap to save my life," you explained.

"No problem. Where are we off to?" he asked.

"Well, I want some Oreos." you walked down to the Oreos. There was no surprise when your favorite kind was all the way at the top.

You looked over to the guy, whose name you didn't even get, he grabbed two packages and set them in the cart.

"I love how you knew I was going to ask for two packages, stalker." you smirked at him.

"Just a lucky guess." he shrugged his shoulders.

"What's your name?" you asked.

"Sam, and you?" he responded as we walked down the aisle. You were searching for as many things as possible. You stopped and grabbed some stuff that you could reach.

"(Y/n)." you smiled.

"Cute name."

You walked to the frozen food aisle and grabbed a tub of ice cream. You saw that Sam reached into another freezer and grab a different kind. He put it in your cart and smiled.

"And what do you think this is?" you laughed at him.

"Well, you're at your moms party and I'm sure she didn't ask for all of this junk food. I'm assuming it is for you because you will be stuffed up in your room, not wanting to socialize with her adult friends." Sam grinned at you.

His smile was killer.

"Actually, yes. But what does that have to do with this tub of ice cream that you put into my cart?" you asked.

"Your mom isn't the only one having company tonight, (y/n). You are too."

Sam Wilkinson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now