14. Are You Sure?

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The song for this chapter

"What makes you beautiful"
- By 1 Direction

Trisha's POV

It was Saturday and as usual my busiest day of the week. After attending college till two o'clock I have to go to my first dance class where I learn and then directly to my second dance class where I teach.

When I reached at home, there was a surprise waiting for me. My lovely cousin sister, Meera Panse, my cutie pie. We both are very much different from each other. She is practical, I am emotional. She doesn't believe in love and I.. well you know. She has hight, I am Shortcake. We have very different opinions on every situation.. but still we love each other from the core of our hearts and we would die for the other one.

She was there. On the porch. Waiting for me, smiling sheepishly.

I almost ran to her, forgetting all the exhaustion.

" Meeraaaaa..." I hugged her tightly.

" Tris, I-I-am-choc-chocking " She stammered.

" Oh.. sorry," I loosened up the hug.

We walked inside. Aunt Amrita was sitting on the couch with mom and dad, chatting and laughing. She's my dad's young sister.

" Hello dear, how are you?" She stood, hugging me and kissed me on my forehead.

" I'm great, aunt, how're you?" I grinned.

" Good, as usual. How's dance going?" She was very proud of me as I was going to be a professional choreographer.

" It's going great. We are going to do a dance show, it will be a really big and important show. You can say it is the first step of my career."

" Of course sweetie" she smiled genuinely.

" Meera, I wanna tell you something. Come with me." I said looking at her as I held her hand.

" Ok, mom, we are on the terrace." She said, walking to the door which leads to upstairs on the second floor of the bungalow where the terrace is.

We, me and Meera, always share everything with each other. We're that transparent with each other. So we're always ready to help the other.

We were in the terrace.

" So, how was your trip to Kashmir?" I asked, didn't know how to start.

" Awesome. We had so much fun. Dal Lake, Gulmargh, Sonmargh.. the places are so beautiful.." She said, excitedly.

" I know, right? I remember that moment when I was there on the voyage.. the scenario is mesmerizing." I said, smiling and going in that trance.

" Yeah.. so what do you want to tell me?" She said, giving me a knowing look.

The smile on my face gone. I ducked my head with the embarrassment and feeling of something uneasy.

" Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked me with concern.

I sighed.

" Yeah.."

I told her everything. The past, the present.. the first meeting with Ved, the mess, my attraction towards him, avoidance, realisation of love, failed trial of making conversation... all the shit which I will definitely not tell anyone.. but I decided to tell her. I knew that her reaction would be opposite, totally different.. but I wanted to..

" You mean this Ved?" She asked, pointing towards his home. Her eyes were wide with surprise.

" Yeah," I nodded," but please.. your volume.. please" I said, almost whispering.

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