Chapter 11: Taken

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Emily walked outside the bureau, checked her car, got inside of it and started driving.
Doyle wanted Lauren.
And she knew where she'd find him. She just knew.
"The Black Shamrock".
The place they first met.


Emily drove to Boston and parked the car close to the pub. After a long time waiting, some men came out. A few got inside a car and left. Doyle went to another car with two other men.

Emily felt her heart racing as she reached for her gun.
She had to end this.
She got out of the car and started shooting at them.
One ran, the other fell on the floor as the bullet entered his leg.

"I only want Doyle. Where's Doyle?" Emily said.

"I'm right here, Love" Doyle said from behind.
Emily turned around and he shot twice. She fell on the ground.
"Right here" Doyle said and walked to her.
He lifted her shirt and saw the bulletproof vest.
"Hello Love" he said as she looked at him.
He got a syringe and stuck it on her neck.
She passed out. Doyle got his phone and called the other men back. They put her inside the car, locked the door and left.

"Get me the girl" Doyle said.

"We have Lauren. She's the one who matters" an older man, Liam, said.

"I want the girl" Doyle said serious.

They stopped the car and Liam got out with two others.


Emily woke up and her head was hurting very badly. She looked around the room and recognized the warehouse. She was tied up on a chair. There was a desk in front of her, and a mattress in the corner of the room.
Suddenly Doyle walked in.
He placed his hand behind her neck.
"You'll have a visitor soon" Doyle said.

"What do you want from me?" Emily asked.

"You'll see" he said. "Don't worry, love" he added and walked out.


"There are 4 names on the bottom of the list Prentiss gave us" Morgan said. "Luke Renaul, Lawrence Riley, Lilla Raffertly and Lyle Rogers"

"All with initials LR" JJ said.

"The CIA uses cryptograms like that to assigned undercover agents working on the same case" Hotch said.

"So do other foreign countries" Rossi said.

"These last 4 names are covers, spies.." Derek said showing the paper.

Suddenly Penelope realized.
"Wait" she said and grabbed the paper. "This isn't right. See this space. That shouldn't be here" she said.

"Couldn't it be a formatting error?" Reid asked.

"No this is a spread sheet template. The formatting doesn't allow for this. There's a missing name on here" Garcia said.

"There's another spy whose cover is LR" Hotch said.

"Lauren Reynolds" Reid said.

"What?" Hotch asked.

"Lauren Reynolds is dead. Isabella told me Emily had a friend called Lauren Reynolds who died." Reid said.

Hotch walked to her desk and opened a drawer. Her badge, her gun and other personal things were there.
"Guys" Hotch said showing it all to the team.

"If Prentiss is the last name, she's on Doyle's list too" JJ said.

"She left her badge and gun? Why would she do that?" Morgan asked.

"That doesn't make any sense. Why run? We are her family we can help" Reid said.

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