Chapter 56: Dad

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"You put it there now?" Asked Emily.

"Yeah" Bella said looking scared.

"Do you want to go get it?" Emily asked.

"No. I just... I'm just scared about what he'll say" Bella said.

"Don't be scared of that, baby. He loves you" Emily smiled and grabbed Bella's hand.
Bella looked at her and gave her a small smile.

"Can we go then? Or we're going to be late" Emily said.
Isabella nodded yes so she drove to the theater.
When they got there the kids got their costumes and were told to go backstage to the dressing room to change. The parents weren't allowed to go in and watch the rehearsal. Emily was certain that Bella would freak out so she talked to dance teacher. Of course the woman knew everything that was going on with the girl so she allowed Emily to be backstage. They went on and rehearsed their two group numbers with their costumes, later Bella rehearsed a trio with Chloe and another girl, Hayden, but they didn't wear their costumes because it was meant to be a surprise.


At Derek's house, Penelope went to the garage and told Morgan she was going to move back to her house since Emily and Bella had a new house now.

"Garcia you don't have to leave" he told her.

"Derek this is your place. I've got mine. I love living here but I do miss my little place" she said and he smiled.
"We'll have movie nights all the time with the little one. I'm pretty sure I'll basically still live here" she said and he laughed.

He walked to her and hugged her.
"baby girl, you know I love you , right?" He said.

"I love you too, you sweaty sweaty lovely guy" she said and he laughed.
They let go of the hug and she said "we both need a shower"

"Wanna go in with me?" He joked.

Penelope hit his arm and said "don't play with fire my love. I'll say yes"

They both laughed and went inside the house. Penelope went to her bedroom and Derek went to his.

When he walked in he saw the envelope on his bed. He raised his eyebrows and got the envelope.
"Derek" he read. By looking at that writing he knew it was from Bella.
He sat on the edge of the bed and opened it. His heart started beating fast when he saw how long it was. He knew that was a very well thought letter. He was so scared but he went for it and started to read it.

it's me Bella.
I am not sure if I am good with letters but I wasn't brave enough to just go and tell you this.
When I was alone you took me in and you took care of me and loved me from the very first day. You made sure I knew you were there with me through all of the crazy things that happened. Even before mom left, you were always there for me.
I know that my father is John.
My birth father is John, and it's always going to be him but at the same time I know we can have more than one dad and that he wants me to be happy and he wants me to be safe.
You two never really met but I know he'd love you and you'd be great friends.
You are my best friend now and I want you to always be. I don't want to lose you too. I know it will be different now that we wont't live together but I hope it will be a good different. I hope you'll go see me and you'll go out with me just like now.
I want to thank you for being a great adoptive father to me. The best one I could ever wish for.
I know i'll live with mom now but I want you to always be like that with me.
You changed my life.
I love you and I can't imagine my life without you.
You're my second dad. You'll always be.
I don't really know how to ask you this but mom said it was okay so I just want to know if even though we won't live together you want to be like a dad still.
I love you and I want you to be my dad forever.
It's okay if you don't want to. I know it's a lot.
But I love you so much,
So much!

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