Chapter 17: Pain

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Isabella heard it but she didn't react to it.
While everyone started crying she just sat there. She couldn't believe it was true.
JJ looked at her and she felt horrible for lying but she knew their lives depended on it.
"Bella" she said walking to the girl. She touched Isabella's shoulder and the girl quickly jumped out of Derek's arms and ran.
But before she made through the door Derek grabbed her.

"No! Let me go! Mommy! Mom! Let me go" she cried trying to get rid of him. She was in pain but she just had to run. She knew Emily wouldn't leave her too. She had to run and find her mother.

But Derek would not let her go. "Where is she? I wanna see my mom" Bella cried trying to get away.

"Bella" JJ said crying.

"She wouldn't leave me. She promised." The girl cried. "Let me go Morgan! I wanna see my mom" Bella yelled now angry.

"Bella, you can't do that" Hotch said walking to them as Derek struggled to hold her.

"I want my mom!" Bella yelled.

Hotch kneed down close to her and said "Bella, I'm sorry but she's not here anymore, sweetheart"

Bella felt like her heart was ripped out of her chest. She just let go.
It was like her legs had given up. She fell on the floor and Derek went down and wrapped her in his arms as her sobs filled the room.
She was broken.
No one in that room had ever seen her cry like that.
No one said another word.
Derek just hugged her and let cry.

After a while he lifted her up and she rested her head on his shoulder still crying. Penelope walked to them and grabbed Isabella's hand.
Derek sat down and she stayed on his lap. He just let her cry.
"Shuuuu" Derek said slightly rocking her.

"What happens to me now?" Bella whispered crying.

"I got you. Don't worry, okay?" Derek said.

"We are right here" Garcia said giving Bella's hand a squeeze.

"I wanna go home" Bella said, almost a whisper, still crying.

"We'll go home very soon" Derek said. He felt broken.

"Take her to the hotel. She doesn't need to stay here" Hotch said.

"Do you want to go now?" Derek asked her and she nodded yes crying.
He stood up with the girl in his arms and walked out. Penelope followed right behind.

"Let's get a cab" Penelope said as tears still streamed down her face. She couldn't really believe that was happening.

They went on the cab and the three sat on the back together. Isabella wouldn't let go of Morgan and she silently cried the entire ride to the hotel. They checked in and took her to the room. Derek placed her on the bed.
She was calmer now but tears were still streaming down her face. She curled up and Garcia laid next to her. She moved closer to the woman. Penelope wrapped the girl in her arms and both started crying badly.
Morgan went to the bed and wrapped both in his arms.

"It's going to be okay" he told them as he desperately tried to believe in his words too.

They laid on the bed together and Isabella cried herself to sleep.

Penelope and Derek had stopped crying and were just quiet till Penelope said "can she live with me?"

Derek looked at her.
"Why don't you both stay at my house for a while. Just till things calm down. He's still out there" Derek said.

"But wasn't Emily the one he wanted to hurt?" Penelope said.

"Yes" Derek managed to say as images of Emily laying on the floor of that warehouse filled his mind.
"but we need to make sure she's safe" Morgan said.

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