F O U R T Y - T W O

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It had been amusing watching Maggie get tipsy from consuming little bouts of alcohol throughout the night. While she had formed one or two non coherent sentences, she had still retained are playful and know-it-all demeanor.

I just had never realized she would push it too far.

When she suggested Chef kiss me, I didn't quite know how to feel about it. Then Mitch has spoken up and I realized why she did it.

For five minutes there seemed to be a mental argument going on in the room.

Then Chef decided to go for it. Although I made a show of not caring whatever or not Chef kissed me, I knew I was never going to allow him kiss me.

It was just fun to watch Mitch squirm while pretending not to care. And it made my heart so glad to know that he wanted to kiss me, it pounded erratically against my chest.

I feel Chef stand up and make towards me, never taking my eyes off Mitch as I watch him struggle to put his emotions in check.

Let it go baby.

I watch fascinated as the man I've stayed awake for nights in a row pondering whether or not he likes me, I watch as he fights to put a lid on his carnal desires for me.

It's on my lips to tell him to let go, but he beats me to the punch as he moves at the speed of lighting.

His deep intake of breath is my only warning as he goes ahead to tilt my world off it's balance.

There's no teasing in the act as his tongue dives straight in between my lips, sending a jolting shock of arousal to my cock.

I allow him entry, even though I never planned on denial and grab onto the back of his neck with a moan in my throat. He takes that as me egging him on as he changes the angle of the kiss deepening it.

At that moment, I feel every nerve ending in my body on alert and every drop of blood rush to my nether regions.

For the first time in a long time, I understood what it felt like to get a taste of heaven. And heaven for me tasted like olives and cinnamon with a hint of bourbon.

For what feels like hours, I lie back on the chair as I allow myself to be thoroughly ravished by this beautiful man, and wondering how the hell it was I hadn't jumped his bones.

While five years of celibacy will teach you how to hold your own in the face of carnal sexual temptation, it would also mean, unleashing a super heightened libido that would be bordering on unhealthy.

I tried to hold my own as much as I could but his mouth on the spot between my neck and shoulders shattered any form of control I had.

"Oh Fuck!" I pleaded. "Right there."

Like an obedient lover his lips press right into that spot, sucking and nipping with just enough pain to heighten the pleasure.

"Fuck!" I arch my back, causing my rock hard shaft to come in contact with his. We both hiss out in pleasure as our concealed cocks press against each other, trying to find a rhythm.

My hand reaches for his butt checks to hold on to as I set the rhythm that would put us on a highway to pleasure.

He groans low, "Yes baby..... Like that." and bit on my earlobe, causing by shaft to grow painfully hard.

Like a well oiled machine, we begin to move in hurried sync, chasing a dire urgency to reach the top of our orgasms

The only sounds audible are that of our joined moans and sloppy sounds of kisses. There was the occasional "Fuck." and "Shit." thrown in between

And while I should have thought of the audience we were giving a show, I didn't really care.

In fact, Mitch could have whipped my clothes off and fucked me ten thousand ways to hell and I wouldn't have felt anything close to shame that people where watching.

Until he spoke a phrase,

"Grind me babe."

And reality came crashing g in.

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