S E V E N .

801 54 0



Then nothingness.

Then a dark void.

I try so hard to figure out where and what I'm doing here, but I can't even remember who I am or where I am.

I try my best to concentrate and soon I feel myself floating forward.

Towards what I have no idea, but soon understood when I see the first rays of light.

Because the of the darkness, the light seemed to burn my face the closer I got to it.

I try to snake away from it but find myself incapable of moving due to the pain forming in my abdomen. I lean forward to even out the pain and find my legs failing me.

I take only two steps before I fall on my face.

I manage to turn myself around and find myself staring straight into the ball of light. 

I close my eyes tightly to stop the rays from biting into them. But I'm stuck by something close to electricity.

I open my eyes immediately and suck in a harsh breath into my lungs.

The first thing I see is the white light bulb fitted into the ceiling.

I'm in a hospital.

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