F O R T Y - O N E

430 36 2

"I dare you!"  

Maggie shouts drunkenly.

Yes. Maggie.

It's the day after Maggie arrived home. All of us including Taio and chef, whose name I just learnt is  Etienne are in a semicircle facing the TV with Demi propped up on the couch.

We're all in a state of shock as we all try to pretend Maggie had just not dared Etienne to kiss Demi.

The absurdity for the others, I'm sure it's the fact that she would even suggest something like that. For me, it's the fact that someone else would be doing what I've been dying to do for months.

So we all sit in shock as we silently pray she wouldn't bring up the subject again.

But she does.

"I dare you!"

She repeats with more assessment I had to doubt for a moment how drunk she was.

I watch the indecision passing over Etienne's face and wonder if he's really going to do it. Then my head snaps to Demi, who's already looking at me with a little bit more confidence than I would expect.

I tried, in the miniscule seconds that followed to figure out what exactly was going on that I forgot who the dare had been directed at.

"You cool with this?" he speaks up, his question directed at Demi.

Demi shrugs, his gaze never leaving mine. As if daring me personally to let Etienne kiss him. Thankfully, Etienne looks a little weary of carrying on with the dare.

My glare never leaves Demi, but I could see from the side of my eye, Etienne drinking liquid courage.

He really was going to take the dare seriously.

That gives me the final push I had been waiting for. I was off my spot and beside Demi before I could even process the thought. His eyes going wide as I dipped my head to claim his mouth was the only confirmation that I wasn't dreaming.

Until his lips set me on fire.

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