F O R T Y - S I X

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Nestled in his strong arms with my face buried in the curve of his neck, I feel emotionally safe for the first time in a long while.

When we had bumped into each other a while ago, I had been shocked and utterly embarrassed. So I wasn't prepared for the bear hug he launched at me, neither was I prepared for the feeling of safety it evoked out of me.

Needless to say I was glad he was holding on to me, after all I was the one who ran away after a heated make out session.

Without any explanation.

"I'm sorry." I mutter, my voice muffled by his turtle neck.

"Don't apologize." he rumbles out. Making me bury my face in the clove of his neck.

For what seems like hours, we stand in that same position taking and giving comfort we've longed so much for but never quite got. Without knowing, I find myself drawn into his scent, my nose burrowing into his skin to get more of that sexy scent, causing him to groan in pleasure .

"Baby, if you keep doing that...... "

He doesn't finish his words but I know what he was  going to say because I was thinking it.

So I do it.

I rob both of us off breath and I drink him in like I was thirsty. Which I was.

Before long, places are switched as I find myself back flush against the wall and a handful of black silky hair in my hands while a ravaging kiss keeps me on the edge of great pleasure.

Needless to say, I was happy to see him.

New chapter, because today 1/2/2017 is my birthday. #HappyNewMonth

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