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Hanna's POV

It was the day.

The day of my wedding.


I was now in a hotel underneath the soft covers.

"Shhhh!!!" I heard a low whisper.

"You couldn't have wore more reasonable shoes?"

"They are so cute though!"

"They are babe!"

I already knew whose voices those belonged too. My day ones.

I waited until I heard Mona's heels quiet down on the soft plush carpet.

"BOOOOOO!!!!" I screamed as I pulled the covers off of me.

Mona tripped over on her heels onto Alison. While Aria screamed and jumped onto Spencer and Emily ended up doing a backwards roll.

I started cackling in laughter. The girls looked at me angrily before they started laughing as well.

"You guys really thought I wouldn't be able to hear the clink of Mona's heels." I said clutching my stomach still laughing.

"Girl it's the new Steve Madden's." Mona said as she lifted her leg showing off her red heels.

Me and Ali couldn't help but become memorized with them.

"In case you're forgetting it's your wedding day." Spencer said.

I stood up and started jumping on the bed. "I KNOWWWWW! I KNOWWWW!" I screamed happily.

The girls started laughing but Emily soon pulled me down onto the floor.

"Omg! Hanna go brush you're teeth. Your breath reeks." Ali complained.

"I still see you're still bitchy as always." I replied with a grin.

Ali tried going her smile as she pouted.

"I'll be back." I said as I headed off to the bathroom.

As I entered the bathroom I remembered it was the first time I ever saw Caleb naked and girl did he have a nice ass.


I got out the steaming bathroom about forty minutes later. The girls had set up a little salon around the hotel room.

Meanwhile Mona and Aria were eating shrimp in the corner.

"You know we have to pay for room service right?" I asked as I picked up a shrimp and popped it into my mouth.

"We'll leave you twenty dollars." Aria mumbled with the food still in her mouth.

"Guys I want my hair up in a bun." I said as I sat down in a the chair.

"My mom helped me learn how to do hair, so I got you boo." Emily said standing behind me.

She started off with four fishtail braids at the ton and then at the bottom she tied it up. She then twisted it around into a bun and added pretty clips that went great with my hair.

I checked it out in the mirror. "I love it Em. And I love you." I said as I gave her a hug.

"Your dress." Spencer said as she held it up. I took off my bathrobe and Spencer helped me step into the white strapless dress that had blue sequins on the top part. She zipped me up and gave me a hug.

"I love you Hanna Banana." Spencer said with tears in her eyes.

"Not more than me." I said.

Ali sat me down in a chair as she started my make-up. Pink lipstick and neutral eye-shadow with dark mascara and winged eyeliner.

"Ali, I'm happy you're not dead and I love you." I said as I gave her a hug as well.

She giggled, "I love you too."

Mona handed me nude heels that were expensive as hell. "Mona you've been my bestie for a long time and I'm happy you're crazy as hell." I said giving her a hug.

"You know what they say about crazy bitches. We lit."

Aria came over and put on my diamond earrings and necklace. "Aria you're so cute and I love you." I said as I wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you too Dora." She replied.


We arrived to the beach where it was crowded with our wedding guests in the white limo we rented out.

The girls left as the music started.

There was a knock on the window and standing there was Pastor Ted.

I opened the door for him and he came in.

"I'm so happy you honored me with walking you down the aisle." Pastor Ted said.

"No thank you. I think of you... as my... dad." I added in the last nervously looking down.

"And I think of you as my daughter." He said with a tear in his eye.

I gave him a hug before backing away. "That's our que." I said as the theme music of the bride started.

He got out the door and held his hand out for me and helped me out the limo.

I put my arm through his elbow and we started down the sandy beach.

Standing at the end was Caleb in a white tux and I saw his mouth gape open when he saw me.

I continued down the sand all the way to my future husband.

Daddy ted gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek before standing next to my mom who had tears in her eyes.

Caleb took my hands and pulled them into his. Aria who we asked to be our priest was standing at the front with a big smile on her face.

"Today we are here to join my two best friends in holy matrimony. I love both of them to death but Caleb if you ever break her heart I break your balls." Aria said making everyone laugh.

Thank you for reading anf I have some new news

There are two more chapters left in this book

The epilogue of the girls futures and one more chat

I know I know im so sorry, but I have three books that im writing for you guys

I love you guys

Also this is going to be my first book that I've completed so turn up

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