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[Hanna😈 has added Caleb💸 to this chat]

Hanna😈: hey Caleb

Caleb💸: hey babe

Hanna😈: I need to tell u something

Caleb💸: anything

Hanna😈: I'm pregnant

Caleb💸: is this an April fool's prank

Hanna😈: its November

Caleb💸: omg I'm gonna be a dad!!!!!

Hanna😈: so ur OK

Caleb💸: babe I would never leave u

Hanna😈: 😊😊😊

Caleb💸: did u tell ur parents yet

[Hanna😈 has added Ashley💰 and Tom💼 to this chat]

[Tom💼 has added Kate👿 and Isabel💅 to this chat]

Hanna😈: dad, this is a family matter

Tom💼: Kate and Isabel are family

Kate👿: hello Hanna

Isabel💅: Hanna, Ashley

Ashley💰: Hanna, Caleb r u OK

Caleb💸: Hanna and I have to tell u something

Tom💼: get on with it

Kate👿: Tom is taking us out to Olive Garden

Hanna😈: 😠😠😠😠😠

Isabel💅: Hanna dear, r u OK

Caleb💸: Hanna.... Calm down

Hanna😈: breathe in, breathe out

Ashley💰: r u ready to tell us yet

Hanna😈: I'm pregnant

Caleb💸: surprise

Ashley💰: congrats honey

Tom💼: WHAT!!!!

Hanna😈: u heard me

Tom💼: young lady, u haven't graduated college yet and u aren't married

Hanna😈: if u cared about me and checked up on me u would've known that I'm engaged and instead of college I'm going into fashion

Tom💼: Ashley, r u serious

Ashley💰: don't u dare question my parenting. U abandoned Hanna and she's turned out perfect

Kate👿: wow ur pregnant before marriage... Check ur morals

Caleb💸: shut up u proboscis monkey

Isabel💅: how dare u

Tom💼: we r done with this conversation

[Tom💼, Kate👿, and Isabel💅 have left this chat]

Ashley💰: u OK honey

Hanna😈: I'm so done with them

Ashley💰: omg I need to go plan a baby shower

[Ashley💰 has left this chat]

Caleb💸: I won't let them ever hurt u again babe

Hanna😈: A is back but is now known as A.D

Caleb💸: what

Hanna😈: the girls promised to keep it a secret but I can't keep anything from u

Caleb💸: A.D isnt gonna lay a finger on u

Hanna😈: ily

Caleb💸: ily2

[Hanna😈 and Caleb💸 have left this chat]

Thank u guys for reading please vote and comment what u want to see next

This is for prettylittlelairs-A cause she always wants me to write some Haleb and vvgarciaquinonez cause I love her comments and acmmhtb cause she's my babe

Comment wat u want to see next


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